Departure from Punta Marenco

"Brief were my days among you, and briefer
still the words I have spoken.

But should my voice fade in your ears,
and my love vanish in your memory, then I will come again."-Kahlil Gibran.
Matt Punta Marenco

Matt before departure from Punta Marenco.
This was off of the coast at the bottom of the long hike from the cottages.
Group Leaving Punta Marenco

Our group waiting to leave Punta Marenco.
We were all sad to leave and enjoyed our time in the rainforest.  From night/day hikes to snorkeling/canoing, we will never forget our time spent there.
Punta Marenco

Sarah & Helen on their last day at Punta Marenco.   See the backpacks?  A smart plan for travels to keep well-hydrated.
Boat Ride on Sierpe River
Sierpe River 1
Front Boat-Sierpe

Our boat ride on the Sierpe River.  Along the ride we observed mangrove forests
 and pointed out various things that we had learned during class.


Our group-Sierpe Ride.  We were enjoying
the nice breeze and water whipping around us.

Sierpe River 2

Another boat on the River.  We watched a few other taxi boats pass by on our way to the docking station.

Emergent Trees.  One of the many examples of tremendous plant diversity present in Costa Rica.

Dr. Durtsche observing his surroundings.  We all looked a bit like this during the ride while enjoying
the wind in our hair.

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