
Our arrival in Sierpe.  We found ourselves in a shop/cafe
selling beautiful boruca masks and many other tourist items.
(We ended up spending the better part of an afternoon here.)

Dennis & Guillermo were our tour guides during the day hike
 in Punta Marenco.  They came to the station to say goodbye to us.


Guillermo & Erik.  They have known each other for a long time.  It was sweet seeing them take a picture together.
Fun Fact: The students of Costa Rica wear badges
and uniforms that signify what school they attend.

They also have a break from November-February during which time they used
to work on coffee plantations.
This was done to help their families produce income.

Costa Rican Students.  We saw these students in a park across the street from the shop/cafe that we spent the afternoon in.
Coffee with Casey

Dr. Dahlem bought us some coffee.  Casey enjoyed her coffee after some nice milk & sugar was added.  We were quite happy with the caffeine.

An owl we saw while exploring.  It was among other owls in the tree and they seemed as interested
in us as we were in them.

Costa Rica
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