March 10, 2011
              Quetzal Paradise, Cartago, San Jose
      Quetzal Paradise
The morning at El Mirador de Quetzales began quite early. We started at 5:10 with coffee and where hot on the trails by 5:20 hunting for the majestic Quetzal.  Not long after walking the trail, we were able to spot a group of the birds flying around. The Resplendent Quetzal have a green/teal body, with a red breast, and very long tail feathers. The colors are like nothing seen on another living creature.

              Link to El Mirador de Quetzales

The group getting ready to go! The early wake up was a little rough.
The group getting ready to go! The early wake up was a little rough.

The majestic Quetzal!
The majestic Quetzal!

Casey, Osniel, and Matt are enjoying the brisk Cloud Forest air
Casey, Osniel, and Matt are enjoying
 the brisk Cloud Forest air

The group was a little happier once the sun came out and it warmed up a bit
The group was a little happier once the
sun came out and it warmed up a bit

                   Link to more pictures from our
                    trip to El Mirador de Quetzales

On our way to Cartago, we decended the mountains of the Cloud forest and came upon a marketplace where we could buy snacks and souvenirs to bring back home. Cartago is the captital of the Cartago province of Costa Rica. It is home to about 157,000 Costa Ricans. The city also sits at the base of the Irazú Volcano, which is the highest active volcano in Costa Rica with its summit being 11,260 feet above sea level. This was not the reason for visiting Cartago though. With the population being 76% Roman Catholic, we decided to visit the The Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles. The church is named after a little girl that found a statue of the Virgin Mary holding an infant baby Jesus on a rock. It would disappear from her possession and reappear on the rock she had found it. The church was erected on the very spot that the girl found the statue in 1639.

More information on Cartago, Costa Rica
Upon leaving the Cloud Forest, we stopped at a roadside market for some snacks.
Upon leaving the Cloud Forest, we stopped at a roadside market for some snacks.

The sculptures on top of the Basilica
The sculptures on top of the Basilica

"As the deer pants for treams of water, so my soul pants for you my God." - Psalm 42
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you my God."
 - Psalm 42

The Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles in Cartago
The Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles in Cartago
The Interior of the Basilica
The Interior of the Basilica

The busy streets of downtown Cartago
The busy streets of downtown Cartago

                 Link to more pictures from our trip to Cartago

      San Jose
After a long day descending the mountains of the Cloud forest and touring the Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles in Cartago. We reached our resting destination in the capital city of San Jose. There we were able to find a little rest before going out and exploring the Central Market and Artisan shops surrounding the center of town. The night didnt last too long for we had an early morning ahead of us.
Diana, Osniel, Erik, and Jeff all pose in with the statues
Diana, Osniel, Erik, and Jeff all pose in with the statues
Kelsey, Brittany, Jeff, and Sarah shopping in the Central Market
Kelsey, Brittany, Jeff, and Sarah shopping in the Central Market
Webpage Created by: Jeff and Kelsey
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