Baldi Hot Springs
We went to Baldi Hot Springs in Costa Rica. There are numerous pools that are heated at
different temperatures via the Arenal volcano. We went all the way from the cooler pools to the hottest
pool they have at the Hot Springs. There were water slides, waterfalls, and bars in the middle of pools.

Baldi Hot Springs Friends
Jeff, Brittany, Rachel, Sarah, Erik, Diana, Katie, and Kelsey in one of the Hot Spring pools
Baldi Hot Springs Friends
Dr. Durtsche, Stacey, Dr. Dahlem, Helen, and Casey in one of the Hot Spring pools
Baldi Hot Springs Friends
Matt, Erik, Jeff, and Osniel in one of the Hot Spring pools
Baldi Hot Springs Dancing
Osniel and Sylvia (the tour guide) dancing

Baldi Hot Springs Friends
Erik, Osniel, and Matt acting macho

Baldi Hot Springs
Osniel posing for the camera in one of the Hot Spring pools
Baldi Hot Springs Friends
Sylvia, Orlando (the bus driver), Casey, Kelsey, Brittany, and Jeff sitting around one of the cooler pools in the middle of one of the Hot Spring pools

Baldi Hot Springs Pool
One of the Hot Spring pools

Baldi Hot Springs Pool
One of the waterfalls inside a Hot Spring pool
Baldi Hot Springs
The top of the Hot Springs; the place where the hottest water is

Baldi Hot Springs Sign
A temperature sign for one of the Hot Spring pools

Baldi Hot Springs Helicopter
The Baldi Hot Spring owner's personal helicopter and helicopter pad
For more information about Baldi Hot Springs, click here.
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