Teaching Information for Richard Fox

Fall 2020:
CSC 362 -- Computer Systems
CIT 371 -- Unix Systems

Courses regularly taught at NKU:
CIT 130 -- Information Technology Fundamentals
CSC 260 -- Object Oriented Programming
CSC 260L -- Object Oriented Programming Lab
CSC 360 -- Object-oriented Programming II
CSC 362 -- Computer Systems
CSC 407/507 -- Concepts of Programming Languages
CSC 425/525 -- Artificial Intelligence
CSC 462/562 -- Computer Architecture
CSC 501 -- Intermediate Programming Workshop
CSC 625 -- Advanced Artificial Intelligence

I have not taught the following courses in several years, so I have disabled the links:
CIT 370 -- Operating Systems Technology -- course has been discontinued
CIT 436 -- Web Server Administration
CSC 130 -- Introduction to Computer Applications -- course has been discontinued
CSC 150 -- Computer Concepts and Applications -- course has been discontinued -- see INF 101
INF 260 -- Object-oriented Programming I
CSC 360 -- Object-oriented Programming II
CSC 364 -- Data Structures and Algorithms
CSC 464 -- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CSC 670 -- Social Implications of Computing
INF 286 -- Introduction to Web Development
MAT 109 -- Algebra for College Students

I have only taught the following class once, but I'm leaving the link up because there might be useful material for anyone wanting to learn Common Lisp:
CSC 375 -- Programming in Common Lisp

I taught a high school summer Java programming camp for many years. Here is a link to the material from the last time I taught it in case you are interested:
NKU Summer Computing Workshop 2015 (Java Camp)

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