Kevin Kirby
Some Materials
Photos from Korean sabbatical (2001)
Probabilistic AI Seminar (2005)
Dream of a A Perfect Language
Honors seminar (2009):
Alternative Spring Break
NKU Symplectic Geometry Seminar (1996)
Invitation to Programming
Textbooklet (2011)
Some Writings
Putnamizing the Liquid State (NACAP 2009)
Some of those early "reservoir computing" papers
Neurodynamics of context-reverberation learning (1990)
Context dynamics in neural sequential learning (1991)
Duality in neurocomputational inductive inference (1991)
Homer Away From Home (2001)
Belief Functions and Möbius Transforms (2005)
Helmholtz Machines:
Overview Slides (2006)
In-depth tutorial (2006)
Python code to accompany tutorial (2015)