Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic


dwilcox(x, m, n)
pwilcox(q, m, n)
qwilcox(p, m, n)
rwilcox(nn, m, n)


x,q vector of quantiles.
p vector of probabilities.
nn number of observations to generate.
m,n numbers of observations in the first and second sample, respectively. Must be positive integers less than 50.


These functions provide information about the distribution of the Wilcoxon rank sum statistic obtained from samples with size m and n, respectively. dwilcox gives the density, pwilcox gives the distribution function, qwilcox gives the quantile function, and rwilcox generates random deviates.

This distribution is obtained as follows. Let x and y be two random, independent samples of size m and n. Then the Wilcoxon rank sum statistic is the number of all pairs (x[i], y[j]) for which y[j] is not greater than x[i]. This statistic takes values between 0 and m * n, and its mean and variance are m * n / 2 and m * n * (m + n + 1) / 12, respectively.


Kurt Hornik hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at

See Also

dsignrank etc, for the one-sample Wilcoxon rank statistic.


x <- -1:(4*6 + 1)
fx <- dwilcox(x, 4, 6)
all(fx == dwilcox(x, 6, 4))
Fx <- pwilcox(x, 4, 6)
all(abs(Fx - cumsum(fx)) < 10 * .Machine$double.eps)

plot(x, fx,type='h', col="violet",
     main= "Probabilities (density) of Wilcoxon-Statist.(n=6,m=4)")
plot(x, Fx,type="s", col="blue",
     main= "Distribution of Wilcoxon-Statist.(n=6,m=4)")
abline(h=0:1, col="gray20",lty=2)
layout(1)# set back

N <- 200
hist(U <- rwilcox(N, m=4,n=6), breaks=0:25 - 1/2, border="red", col="pink",
     sub = paste("N =",N))
mtext("N * f(x),  f() = true ``density''", side=3, col="blue")
 lines(x, N*fx, type='h', col='blue', lwd=2)
points(x, N*fx, cex=2)

## Better is a Quantile-Quantile Plot
qqplot(U, qw <- qwilcox((1:N - 1/2)/N, m=4,n=6),
       main = paste("Q-Q-Plot of empirical and theoretical quantiles",
                     "Wilcoxon Statistic,  (m=4, n=6)",sep="\n"))
n <- as.numeric(names(print(tU <- table(U))))
text(n+.2, n+.5, labels=tU, col="red")

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