Data Sets


data(..., list = character(0), package = c(.packages(),.Autoloaded),
     lib.loc = .lib.loc) = c(.packages(),.Autoloaded), lib.loc = .lib.loc)


... a sequence of names or character strings
list a character vector
package a name or character vector giving the packages to look into for data sets. By default, all packages in the search path are used.
lib.loc a character vector of directory names of R libraries. Defaults to all libraries currently known.


data loads or lists via the available data sets. The data sets to be loaded can be specified as a sequence of names or character strings, or as the character vector list, or as both.

If no data sets are specified or is called directly, the available data sets are displayed.

Currently, four formats of data files are supported:

  1. files ending ".RData" or ".rda" are load()ed.
  2. files ending ".R" or ".r" are source()d in.
  3. files ending ".tab" or ".txt" are read using read.table(..., header = TRUE), and hence result in a data.frame.
  4. files ending ".csv" are read using read.table(..., header = TRUE, sep=";"), and also result in a data.frame.


If no data sets are specified, data calls looks for a file `00Index' (failing that the deprecated convention of `index.doc') in a `data' directory of each specified package, and uses these files to prepare a listing. If there is a `data' area but no index a warning is given: such packages are incomplete.


A character vector of all data sets specified, an empty character vector if none were specified.

See Also

help for obtaining documentation on data sets.


data()                       # list all available data sets
data(package = base)         # list the data sets in the base package
data(crimes, "deaths")       # load the data sets `crimes' and `deaths'
help(crimes)                 # give information on data set `crimes'

[Package Contents]