Fast Discrete Fourier Transform


fft(z, inverse = FALSE)
mvfft(z, inverse = FALSE)


z a real or complex array containing the values to be transformed
inverse if TRUE, the unnormalized inverse transform is computed (the inverse has a + in the exponent of e, but here, we do not divide by 1/length(x)).


When z is a vector, the value computed and returned by fft is the unnormalized univariate Fourier transform of the sequence of values in z. When z contains an array, fft computes and returns the multivariate (spatial) transform. If inverse is TRUE, the (unnormalized) inverse Fourier transform is returned, i.e., if y <- fft(z), then z is fft(y, inv=TRUE) / length(y).

By contrast, mvfft takes a real or complex matrix as argument, and returns a similar shaped matrix, but with each column replaced by its discrete Fourier transform. This is useful for analyzing vector-valued series.

The FFT is fastest when the length of of the series being transformed is highly composite (i.e. has many factors). If this is not the case, the transform may take a long time to compute and will use a large amount of memory.


Singleton, R. C. (1979). Mixed Radix Fast Fourier Transforms, in Programs for Digital Signal Processing, IEEE Digital Signal Processing Committee eds. IEEE Press.

See Also

convolve, nextn.


x <- 1:4
all(fft(fft(x), inverse = TRUE)/(x*length(x)) == 1+0i)
eps <- 1e-11 ## In general, not exactly, but still:
for(N in 1:130) {
    cat("N=",formatC(N,wid=3),": ")
    x <- rnorm(N)
    if(N %% 5 == 0) {
        m5 <- matrix(x,ncol=5)
        cat("mvfft:",all(apply(m5,2,fft) == mvfft(m5)),"")
    dd <- Mod(1 - (f2 <- fft(fft(x), inverse=TRUE)/(x*length(x))))
    cat(if(all(dd < eps))paste(" all < ", formatC(eps)) else
            paste("NO: range=",paste(formatC(range(dd)),collapse=",")),"\n")

plot(fft(c(9:0,0:13, numeric(301))), type = "l")
periodogram <- function(x, mean.x = mean(x)) { # simple periodogram
  n <- length(x)
  x <- unclass(x) - mean.x
  Mod(fft(x))[1:(n%/%2 + 1)]^2 / (2*pi*n)
plot(10*log10(periodogram(sunspots)), type = "b", col = "blue")

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