symnum(x, cutpoints=c(0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95), symbols=c(" ", ".", ",", "+", "*", "B"), na="?", eps=1e-5, corr = missing(cutpoints), show.max = if(corr) "1", show.min = NULL, lower.triangular = corr & is.matrix(x), diag.lower.tri = corr & !is.null(show.max))
| numeric vector or array. |
numeric vector whose values cutpoints[j]
== c[j] (after augmentation, see corr
below) are used for intervals.
character vector, one shorter than (the
augmented, see corr below) cutpoints .
symbols[j] == s[j] are used as ``code'' for
the (half open) interval (c[j], c[j+1]].
character or logical. How NAs are coded. If
na == FALSE , NA s are coded invisibly, including
the "legend" attribute below, which otherwise mentions NA coding.
| absolute precision to be used at left and right boundary. |
logical. If TRUE , x contains correlations.
The cutpoints are augmented by 0 and 1 and abs(x)
is coded.
If TRUE , or of mode character , the
maximal cutpoint is coded especially.
If TRUE , or of mode character , the
minmal cutpoint is coded especially.
logical. If TRUE and x is a
matrix, only the lower triangular part of the matrix is coded
as non-blank.
logical. If lower.triangular and
this are TRUE , the diagonal part of the matrix is shown.
and the same
dimensions as x
It has an attribute "legend"
containing a legend
of the returned character codes, in the form
c[1] `s[1]' c[2] `s[2]' ... `s[n]' c_[n+1]
where c[j] = cutpoints[j]
s[j] = symbols[j]
ii _ 0:8; names(ii) _ ii symnum(ii, cut= 2*(0:4), sym = c(".", "-", "+", "$")) symnum(ii, cut= 2*(0:4), sym = c(".", "-", "+", "$"), show.max=T) ##-- Symbolic correlation matrices: data(attitude) symnum(cor(attitude), diag = F) symnum(cor(rbind(1, rnorm(25), rnorm(25)^2))) symnum(cor(matrix(rexp(30, 1), 5, 18))) # <<-- PATTERN ! -- symnum(cm1 <- cor(matrix(rnorm(90) , 5, 18))) # < White Noise SMALL n symnum(cm1, diag=F) symnum(cm2 <- cor(matrix(rnorm(900), 50, 18))) # < White Noise "BIG" n symnum(cm2, lower=F) ## NA's: Cm <- cor(matrix(rnorm(60), 10, 6)); Cm[c(3,6), 2] <- NA symnum(Cm, show.max=NULL) ## Significance stars for P-values: pval <- rev(sort(c(outer(1:6,10^-(1:3))))) symp <- symnum(pval, corr=F, cutpoints = c(0, .001,.01,.05, .1, 1), symbols = c("***","**","*","."," ")) noquote(cbind(P.val = format(pval), Signif= symp))