Problems for section 2.1

Problem #2

"Hamilton's Method"
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (WPL             43.9000       6.58500             6    )
    (IES             40.9000       6.13500             6    )
    (Interstate      15.2000       2.28000             2    )
    (Total           100.000     (6.667)              14    )

    (State         frac          final        )
    (WPL            0.585000             7    )
    (IES            0.135000             6    )
    (Interstate     0.280000             2    )
    (Total                              15    )

"Lowndes's Method"
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (WPL             43.9000       6.58500             6    )
    (IES             40.9000       6.13500             6    )
    (Interstate      15.2000       2.28000             2    )
    (Total           100.000     (6.667)              14    )

    (State         relfrac       final        )
    (WPL             9.750000E-2         6    )
    (IES             2.250000E-2         6    )
    (Interstate     0.140000             3    )
    (Total                              15    )

Problem #5

"Hamilton's Method"
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (1                  7478       9.30076             9    )
    (2                  9003       11.1975            11    )
    (3                  5397       6.71252             6    )
    (4                  8825       10.9761            10    )
    (5                  3562       4.43024             4    )
    (6                  5936       7.38290             7    )
    (Total             40201     (804.020)            47    )

    (State         frac          final        )
    (1              0.300764             9    )
    (2              0.197483            11    )
    (3              0.712520             7    )
    (4              0.976095            11    )
    (5              0.430238             5    )
    (6              0.382901             7    )
    (Total                              50    )

"Lowndes's Method"
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (1                  7478       9.30076             9    )
    (2                  9003       11.1975            11    )
    (3                  5397       6.71252             6    )
    (4                  8825       10.9761            10    )
    (5                  3562       4.43024             4    )
    (6                  5936       7.38290             7    )
    (Total             40201     (804.020)            47    )

    (State         relfrac       final        )
    (1               3.341818E-2         9    )
    (2               1.795297E-2        11    )
    (3              0.118753             7    )
    (4               9.760951E-2        11    )
    (5              0.107560             5    )
    (6               5.470013E-2         7    )
    (Total                              50    )

Problem #11

We did this in class!

	See your notes. Kevin did it on the board in class, too.

Problem #12

Part a.

"Hamilton's Method"
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (first                 1      0.750000             0    )
    (second                3       2.25000             2    )
    (Total                 4     (1.333)               2    )

    (State         frac          final        )
    (first          0.750000             1    )
    (second         0.250000             2    )
    (Total                               3    )

"Lowndes's Method"
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (first                 1      0.750000             0    )
    (second                3       2.25000             2    )
    (Total                 4     (1.333)               2    )

    (State         relfrac       final        )
    (first         undefined             1    )
    (second         0.125000             2    )
    (Total                               3    )

Part b.

"Hamilton's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (first                 1      0.272727             0    )
    (second               10       2.72727             2    )
    (Total                11     (3.667)               2    )

    (State         frac          final        )
    (first          0.272727             0    )
    (second         0.727273             3    )
    (Total                               3    )

"Lowndes's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (first                 1      0.272727             0    )
    (second               10       2.72727             2    )
    (Total                11     (3.667)               2    )

    (State         relfrac       final        )
    (first         undefined             1    )
    (second         0.363636             2    )
    (Total                               3    )

Problem #14

Since state A is smaller than state B, the initial allocation of alpha for A
and beta for B satisfy

        alpha <= beta

Suppose Lowndes' method rounds A's quota down, and B's quota up; this means
that the relative fractional parts satisfy

      frac A            frac B
      ------    <=       ------
      alpha              beta

We need to show that Hamilton's method will not simultaneously round A's quota
up, and B's quota down, or

      frac A    <=      frac B


      frac A            frac B
      ------    <=       ------
      alpha              beta

we can multiply both sides by alpha and conclude that

                         frac B
      frac A    <=       ------ * alpha


      -----  <= 1

(since beta >= alpha), so 

                         frac B
      frac A    <=       ------ * alpha    <=    frac B

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