Assignment #11

Exercise #1

     Hamilton          y    n    n
     Lowndes           y    n    n
     Jefferson         n    y    y
     Webster           n    y    y
     Hill-Huntington   n    y    y

Exercise #2

The authors suggest that the 'quota method' of Balinski and Young cited on page
119 satisfies both.

Exercise #3

None exists, since no divisor method satisfies the quota property, and only
divisor methods ('generalized divisor methods', according to the text on page
119) satisfy the population property.

Exercise #4

On page 119 the authors assert that Webster's method satisfies both.

Exercise #5

Jefferson's Method

    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (A                 14978       14.9603            14    )
    (B                 12991       12.9757            12    )
    (C                  9260       9.24909             9    )
    (D                  5453       5.44657             5    )
    (E                  4624       4.61855             4    )
    (F                  2753       2.74976             2    )
    (Total             50059     (1001.180)           46    )

Jefferson Quota property fails: 
natural divisor: 1001.1800
threshold divisor: between 924.8000 and 999.3077

    (State         threshhold    final        )
    (A               998.533            16    )
    (B               999.308            14    )
    (C                   926             9    )
    (D               908.833             5    )
    (E               924.800             4    )
    (F               917.667             2    )
    (Total         (927.128)            50    )

Exercise #7

"Hamilton's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (A                  1676       7.38868             7    )
    (B                  1454       6.40999             6    )
    (C                   921       4.06025             4    )
    (D                   778       3.42983             3    )
    (E                   615       2.71124             2    )
    (Total              5444     (226.833)            22    )

    (State         frac          final        )
    (A              0.388685             7    )
    (B              0.409993             6    )
    (C               6.024982E-2         4    )
    (D              0.429831             4    )
    (E              0.711242             3    )
    (Total                              24    )

"Hamilton's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (A                  1676       7.69655             7    )
    (B                  1454       6.67708             6    )
    (C                   921       4.22943             4    )
    (D                   778       3.57274             3    )
    (E                   615       2.82421             2    )
    (Total              5444     (217.760)            22    )

    (State         frac          final        )
    (A              0.696547             8    )
    (B              0.677076             7    )
    (C              0.229427             4    )
    (D              0.572741             3    )
    (E              0.824210             3    )
    (Total                              25    )

Exercise #9

"Lowndes's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (A                 11167       10.9803            10    )
    (B                  7536       7.41003             7    )
    (C                  3356       3.29990             3    )
    (D                  1332       1.30973             1    )
    (Total             23391     (1017.000)           21    )

    (State         relfrac       final        )
    (A               9.803343E-2        10    )
    (B               5.857564E-2         7    )
    (C               9.996722E-2         4    )
    (D              0.309735             2    )
    (Total                              23    )

"Lowndes's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (A                 11160       11.0372            11    )
    (B                  7536       7.45304             7    )
    (C                  3360       3.32301             3    )
    (D                  1200       1.18679             1    )
    (Total             23256     (1011.130)           22    )

    (State         relfrac       final        )
    (A               3.377428E-3        11    )
    (B               6.472063E-2         7    )
    (C              0.107671             3    )
    (D              0.186791             2    )
    (Total                              23    )

                         Review Exercises:

Exercise #3

"Hamilton's Method" 

    (State          pop            natquota       initial       )
    (Canyon Hills         1050        55.7983             55    )
    (Magnolia              924        49.1025             49    )
    (Ramona                917        48.7305             48    )
    (Townsend              841        44.6918             44    )
    (Woodcrest             502        26.6769             26    )
    (Total                4234     (18.818)              222    )

    (State          frac           final         )
    (Canyon Hills     0.798299             56    )
    (Magnolia         0.102504             49    )
    (Ramona           0.730515             49    )
    (Townsend         0.691781             45    )
    (Woodcrest        0.676901             26    )
    (Total                                225    )

"Lowndes's Method" 
    (State          pop            natquota       initial       )
    (Canyon Hills         1050        55.7983             55    )
    (Magnolia              924        49.1025             49    )
    (Ramona                917        48.7305             48    )
    (Townsend              841        44.6918             44    )
    (Woodcrest             502        26.6769             26    )
    (Total                4234     (18.818)              222    )

    (State          relfrac        final         )
    (Canyon Hills      1.451454E-2         55    )
    (Magnolia          2.091909E-3         49    )
    (Ramona            1.521906E-2         49    )
    (Townsend          1.572229E-2         45    )
    (Woodcrest         2.603466E-2         27    )
    (Total                                225    )

Jefferson's Method

    (State          pop            natquota       initial       )
    (Canyon Hills         1050        55.7983             55    )
    (Magnolia              924        49.1025             49    )
    (Ramona                917        48.7305             48    )
    (Townsend              841        44.6918             44    )
    (Woodcrest             502        26.6769             26    )
    (Total                4234     (18.818)              222    )

    (State          threshhold     final         )
    (Canyon Hills      18.7500             56    )
    (Magnolia          18.4800             49    )
    (Ramona            18.7143             49    )
    (Townsend          18.6889             45    )
    (Woodcrest         18.5926             26    )
    (Total          (18.689)              225    )

Webster's Method

    (State          pop            natquota       initial       )
    (Canyon Hills         1050        55.7983             56    )
    (Magnolia              924        49.1025             49    )
    (Ramona                917        48.7305             49    )
    (Townsend              841        44.6918             45    )
    (Woodcrest             502        26.6769             27    )
    (Total                4234     (18.818)              226    )

    (State          threshhold     final         )
    (Canyon Hills      18.9189             56    )
    (Magnolia          19.0515             49    )
    (Ramona            18.9072             49    )
    (Townsend          18.8989             44    )
    (Woodcrest         18.9434             27    )
    (Total          (18.899)              225    )

Hill-Huntington's Method

    (State          pop            natquota       initial       )
    (Canyon Hills         1050        55.7983             56    )
    (Magnolia              924        49.1025             49    )
    (Ramona                917        48.7305             49    )
    (Townsend              841        44.6918             45    )
    (Woodcrest             502        26.6769             27    )
    (Total                4234     (18.818)              226    )

    (State          threshhold     final         )
    (Canyon Hills      18.9197             56    )
    (Magnolia          19.0526             49    )
    (Ramona            18.9082             49    )
    (Townsend          18.9001             44    )
    (Woodcrest         18.9468             27    )
    (Total          (18.900)              225    )

Exercise #4

"Hamilton's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (Dole                 42       7.56000             7    )
    (Forbes               20       3.60000             3    )
    (Buchanan             18       3.24000             3    )
    (Gramm                10       1.80000             1    )
    (Alexander             6       1.08000             1    )
    (Keyes                 3      0.540000             0    )
    (Lugar                 1      0.180000             0    )
    (Total               100     (5.556)              15    )

    (State         frac          final        )
    (Dole           0.560000             8    )
    (Forbes         0.600000             4    )
    (Buchanan       0.240000             3    )
    (Gramm          0.800000             2    )
    (Alexander       8.000000E-2         1    )
    (Keyes          0.540000             0    )
    (Lugar          0.180000             0    )
    (Total                              18    )

"Lowndes's Method" 
    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (Dole                 42       7.56000             7    )
    (Forbes               20       3.60000             3    )
    (Buchanan             18       3.24000             3    )
    (Gramm                10       1.80000             1    )
    (Alexander             6       1.08000             1    )
    (Keyes                 3      0.540000             0    )
    (Lugar                 1      0.180000             0    )
    (Total               100     (5.556)              15    )

    (State         relfrac       final        )
    (Dole            8.000000E-2         7    )
    (Forbes         0.200000             3    )
    (Buchanan        8.000000E-2         3    )
    (Gramm          0.800000             2    )
    (Alexander       8.000000E-2         1    )
    (Keyes         undefined             1    )
    (Lugar         undefined             1    )
    (Total                              18    )

Jefferson's Method

    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (Dole                 42       7.56000             7    )
    (Forbes               20       3.60000             3    )
    (Buchanan             18       3.24000             3    )
    (Gramm                10       1.80000             1    )
    (Alexander             6       1.08000             1    )
    (Keyes                 3      0.540000             0    )
    (Lugar                 1      0.180000             0    )
    (Total               100     (5.556)              15    )

    (State         threshhold    final        )
    (Dole            5.25000             8    )
    (Forbes                5             4    )
    (Buchanan        4.50000             3    )
    (Gramm                 5             2    )
    (Alexander             3             1    )
    (Keyes                 3             0    )
    (Lugar                 1             0    )
    (Total         (5.000)              18    )

Webster's Method

    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (Dole                 42       7.56000             8    )
    (Forbes               20       3.60000             4    )
    (Buchanan             18       3.24000             3    )
    (Gramm                10       1.80000             2    )
    (Alexander             6       1.08000             1    )
    (Keyes                 3      0.540000             1    )
    (Lugar                 1      0.180000             0    )
    (Total               100     (5.556)              19    )

    (State         threshhold    final        )
    (Dole            5.60000             7    )
    (Forbes          5.71429             4    )
    (Buchanan        7.20000             3    )
    (Gramm           6.66667             2    )
    (Alexander       12.0000             1    )
    (Keyes           6.00000             1    )
    (Lugar          1.000000E+31         0    )
    (Total         (5.600)              18    )

Hill-Huntington's Method

    (State         pop           natquota      initial      )
    (Dole                 42       7.56000             8    )
    (Forbes               20       3.60000             4    )
    (Buchanan             18       3.24000             3    )
    (Gramm                10       1.80000             2    )
    (Alexander             6       1.08000             1    )
    (Keyes                 3      0.540000             1    )
    (Lugar                 1      0.180000             1    )
    (Total               100     (5.556)              20    )

    (State         threshhold    final        )
    (Dole            5.61249             7    )
    (Forbes          5.77351             3    )
    (Buchanan        7.34848             3    )
    (Gramm           7.07107             2    )
    (Alexander      1.000000E+31         1    )
    (Keyes          1.000000E+31         1    )
    (Lugar          1.000000E+31         1    )
    (Total         (5.774)              18    )

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