INSTRUCTOR: Andy Long. Office: ST 328; phone: 572-5794.
MEETING TIME: 9:25-10:40 TR, ST 248.
EXPECTED BACKGROUND: C or better in MAT 099 or placement. Placement
requires having mastered the material in Algebra I and Algebra II, and an ACT
of 18 or better.
TEXT: Mathematics Beyond the Numbers, by Gilbert and Hatcher. We
will cover chapters 1,2, most of 4, and 6.
GRADING: There will be four tests over the course of the term
(the final will be a regular exam, and all exams will count
equally). Each homework assignment will be handed in, and one (or a
few) homework problems will be graded. In addition, each student will
present a short (2-3 minute) oral and written ``commercial'' on a
mathematician or mathematical concept. This will be handed in and will
count as a homework assignment. Your course grade will be determined
as follows:
The tests will be given in class, closed book. Make-up exams will not usually be given. If I excuse a student from an exam (for some extreme reason), the student's course grade will be calculated based on the rest of the semester's work.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned almost daily. Usually class will
begin with a discussion of previous assignments, with students answering
their peers' questions. You should expect to do a lot of homework, and to do it
regularly, in order to do well in the course. You should also prepare to help
in class by going to the board and presenting answers to other students'
ATTENDANCE: The student is responsible for all material assigned or
discussed in class. Attendance will be taken, and may be used along with class
effort (as measured by participation - asking questions, answering other
students' questions, group work, etc.) to resolve borderline grades.
WITHDRAWAL: The last day to withdraw from any class is
October 31, 2000. After that day it is not usually permitted.
OFFICE HOURS: M-F 1:00-2:00, TR 11:00-12:00. I am
also available by appointment, and at random when approached nicely.
I reserve the right to alter this syllabus if necessary. Any changes will be discussed in class, and all students will be notified.
The general syllabus for all Mathematics and Computer Science courses is a part of the syllabus for this course.
No cell phones or beepers permitted in class without a doctor's orders.
Thu | 8/23 | 1.1 |
Tue | 8/28 | 1.1 (cont.) |
Thu | 8/31 | 1.2 |
Tue | 9/5 | 1.3 |
Thu | 9/7 | 1.4 |
Tue | 9/12 | 1.5 |
Thu | 9/14 | Review |
Tue | 9/19 | Test 1 |
Thu | 9/21 | 2.1 |
Tue | 9/26 | 2.1 (cont.) |
Thu | 9/28 | 2.2 |
Tue | 10/3 | 2.2 (cont.) |
Thu | 10/5 | 2.3 |
Tue | 10/10 | 2.4 |
Thu | 10/12 | Review |
Tue | 10/17 | Test 2 |
Thu | 10/19 | 4.1 |
Tue | 10/24 | 4.3 |
Thu | 10/26 | 4.5 |
Tue | 10/31 | 4.5 (cont.) |
Thu | 11/2 | 4.6 |
Tue | 11/7 | Election - no class |
Thu | 11/9 | Review |
Tue | 11/14 | Test 3 |
Thu | 11/16 | 6.1 |
Tue | 11/21 | 6.1 (cont.) |
Thu | 11/23 | Thanksgiving - no class |
Tue | 11/28 | 6.2 |
Thu | 11/30 | 6.2 (cont.) |
Tue | 12/5 | 6.3 |
Thu | 12/7 | Review |
Tue | 12/12 | Test 4 (10:10-12:10) |