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Find the distance from (3,7,-5) to

  1. The xy-plane:

    The closest point on the xy-plane has coordinates (3,7,0), and the distance between the two points is tex2html_wrap155 units.

  2. The yz-plane:

    The closest point on the yz-plane has coordinates (0,7,-5), and the distance between the two points is tex2html_wrap157 units.

  3. The xz-plane:

    The closest point on the xz-plane has coordinates (3,0,-5), and the distance between the two points is tex2html_wrap159 units.

  4. The x-axis:

    the closest point on the x-axis has coordinates (3,0,0), and the distance between the two points is tex2html_wrap161 units.

  5. The y-axis:

    the closest point on the y-axis has coordinates (0,7,0), and the distance between the two points is tex2html_wrap163 units.

  6. The z-axis:

    the closest point on the z-axis has coordinates (0,0,-5), and the distance between the two points is tex2html_wrap165 units.

Mon Oct 23 15:54:39 EDT 2000