Section 2.2 Worksheet:

Assigned problems: Exercises pp. 81-84, #4-16 even, 19, 30, 36 (due Thursday)

  1. How do we read the expression


  2. In expression (1) above, does x ever actually reach a?

  3. How many ways can the limit


    fail to exist?

  4. Examples 4 and 5 (p. 76) illustrate some pitfalls of guessing limits. What are they?

  5. Come up with at least 5 qualitatively different ways in which the graph of a function can have a vertical asymptote.

  6. What conclusion can we draw from example 2, p. 74?

  7. If tex2html_wrap_inline89 and tex2html_wrap_inline91 exist, does tex2html_wrap_inline93 exist?


  1. The function tex2html_wrap_inline95 , whose graph appears on page 76, is a truly bizarre animal. When you encounter strange functions like this, make a note of them!
  2. Note the graph of tex2html_wrap_inline97 (p. 81). Like the graphs of tex2html_wrap_inline99 and tex2html_wrap_inline101 , you should be able to draw the graph of tex2html_wrap_inline97 in your sleep.

Andrew E Long
Fri Aug 24 09:21:51 EDT 2001