
Directions: Show your work! Answers without justification will likely result in few points. Your written work also allows me the option of giving you partial credit in the event of an incorrect final answer (but good reasoning). Indicate clearly your answer to each problem (e.g., put a box around it). Good luck!

There are twelve 10 point problems. You may skip two - write ``skip'' on them. If you do not write ``skip'' on a problem, I will pick them at random to skip - so it's better that you choose!

Problem 1 (10 pts). Given the graph of a portion of the tangent function,

  1. Choose a suitable domain restriction, and draw the corresponding inverse function (arctan).
  2. Describe properties of the arctan function that you can deduce from the tangent function (e.g. domain, range, symmetry, asymptotes, continuity, differentiability).

Problem 2 (10 pts). Consider the function


  1. Is f invertible? If not, could you restrict the domain so that the restriction is invertible? In any event, explain your answer!
  2. Write the formula for the inverse function of f or its restriction.

Problem 3 (10 pts). Hyperbolic trigonometric functions.

  1. Define the tex2html_wrap_inline219 and tex2html_wrap_inline221 functions.
  2. Derive the derivative of the inverse of the tex2html_wrap_inline219 function using only the cancellation property of inverses (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline225 ) and the hyperbolic equation


Problem 4 (10 pts). Study the function


including details about the domain, range, symmetry, asymptotes, continuity, differentiability, max/mins, inflection points, etc. Use your calculator as needed.

Problem 5 (10 pts). Use L'H tex2html_wrap_inline227 pital's rule (if appropriate) to compute the following limits:

  1. displaymath194

  2. displaymath195

  3. displaymath196

Problem 6 (10 pts). Use the limit definition of the derivative to show that


Problem 7 (10 pts). Consider the region bounded by the function tex2html_wrap_inline229 , the x-axis, and the line tex2html_wrap_inline233 , and the solid obtained by rotating this region about the y axis. You are to set up the integral for the volume of the solid using two methods:

  1. the method of cylindrical shells, and
  2. the method of disks (washers - whatever!).
Use your calculator to compute the two integrals, and verify that they give the same answer. If they do not give the same answer, then indicate which you have the most confidence in!

Problem 8 (10 pts). If the work required to stretch a spring 1 ft beyond its natural length is 12 ft-lbs, how much work is needed to stretch it 9 inches beyond its natural length? (Draw a picture, write Hooke's law, and solve!)

Problem 9 (10 pts). Find the tangent line to the curve of the function


when t=1. Draw the curve and its tangent line at that point.

Problem 10 (10 pts). Use substitution to solve the following integrals:

  1. displaymath199

  2. displaymath200

Problem 11 (10 pts). True/false (feel free to explain any answer - you might get partial credit even if you're wrong!):

  1. tex2html_wrap251 A function differentiable on an interval is necessarily continuous on the interval.
  2. tex2html_wrap251 If a function has a slant asymptote as tex2html_wrap_inline237 , then the function can be considered

    linear when x gets very large (positive).

  3. tex2html_wrap251


  4. tex2html_wrap251 If f is defined and strictly increasing on the set of all real numbers, and a<b,

    then f(a)<f(b).

  5. tex2html_wrap251 The mean value theorem for integrals says that the average value of function f

    on the interval [a,b] is given by


Problem 12 (10 pts). A woman wants to design a rectangular garden with an ornamental fence on 3 sides which coses $3/foot. The back fence costs only $1/foot and she has only $200 to spend. What dimensions will allow a maximum area for the garden?

Andrew E Long
Thu Dec 6 00:00:49 EST 2001