Section Summary: 3.2

  1. Definitions

    Make a list of all definitions in the section (a few words each is fine). Summarize any lengthy definitions introduced in this section in your own words.

  2. Theorems

    Make a list of all theorems (lemmas, corollaries) in the section (a few words each is fine). Summarize each one introduced in this section in your own words.

    If f is differentiable at a, then f is continuous at a.

    For the derivative to exist, the function must be defined at a (so f(a) exists), then the limit of f(x) must exist and approach the value f(a) at a. This is the essence of continuity, however: hence, differentiability implies continuity.

    Note: it is not true that if f is continuous at a, then f is differentiable at a. For example, continuous function with a corner at x=a is not differentiable there.

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    Make a note of any especially useful properties, tricks, hints, or other materials.

  4. Summary

    Summarize the section in two or three sentences.

    In this case we take the derivative as defined in section 3.1 one step further: if for each value of a there is something called tex2html_wrap_inline186 , then we could write


    which means that with every value a of the domain, there is associated a value tex2html_wrap_inline186 of the range. Hence we can think of tex2html_wrap_inline176 as a function (the slope function, which gives the slope of the curve at any point of the graph - where defined).

    The slope might not be defined for a number of reasons: the graph may be discontinuous (have a hole, or jump, or infinite discontinuity); the graph of a continuous function may have a corner (where the tangent line is not defined); or a smooth, continuous function may have a tangent line with infinite slope.

    Note that in the definition of the derivative function we simply replace the value of a with x: we've been thinking of a as a fixed number, but now that we want to think of a as varying, we replace it with x (to make you think of it as a variable).


Assignment #10: Problems pp. 144-147, #3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21, 32; Together: 2, 4, 31, 7, 21

Thu Feb 8 09:51:26 EST 2001