Section Summary 6.5: Average Value of a Function

  1. Definitions

  2. Theorems

  3. Summary

    In this section we discover how to compute the average of an infinite number of values (along an interval), using a version of the mean value theorem for integrals.

    One way of thinking about this is as an area problem, especially in the case where tex2html_wrap_inline167 on [a,b]: the integral of f over [a,b] represents an area A. We want to find a rectangle on the same interval with the same area as A. Clearly a rectangle whose height is the maximum of f would be too much, in general: it would contain all the area A and then some; a rectangle whose height is the minimum of f would be too little, since portions of A would be outside this rectangle. Somewhere between the two heights we have the equal area rectangle. Since f is continuous, the height would be equal to the value of the function at some intermediate value f(c) at tex2html_wrap_inline159 .


Problems, pp. 400-401, #1, 4, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20

At the board: #3, 11, 15

Mon Apr 16 10:49:54 EDT 2001