Syllabus for MAT694

INSTRUCTOR: Andy Long. Office: ST 328; phone: 572-5794; email:


LEC   MW   04:45-06:00PM  ST  247


EXPECTED BACKGROUND: C or better in MAT220, or equivalent. If you have doubts or concerns about your background, please see me as soon as possible.

TEXT: A Course in Mathematical Modeling, by Douglas Moody and Randall Swift; How to Solve It, by George Polya

GRADING: There will be a mid-term test and a final, as well as a final project (paper and poster) which will be presented orally to the class. There will also be two mini-projects to carry out during the semester. Discussion questions may be assigned in conjunction with reading assignments. In addition, we will read the book How to Solve It and you will write a short paper on how to apply techniques described therein to your own teaching. Your course grade will be determined as follows:

Homework: 10%
Mini-Projects: 20%
Mid Term 15%
Comprehensive Final Exam 15%
How to Solve It paper 10%
Final Project (written, oral) 30%

The tests will be given in class, closed book. The final is comprehensive. Make-up exams will be given only under extraordinary circumstances.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned regularly: some will be collected.

ATTENDANCE: The student is responsible for all material assigned or discussed in class. Attendance will be taken, and may be used along with class effort (as measured by participation - asking questions, answering other students' questions, group work, etc.) to resolve borderline grades.

WITHDRAWAL: The last day to withdraw from any class is 3/23/2001. After that day it is not usually permitted.

OFFICE HOURS: MWF 1:00-2:00, TR 2:00-3:00, MW 4:00-4:45. I am also available by appointment, and at random when approached nicely.


Proposed Schedule for Mat694

1/8 Intro/Basics/UPCE/KISS
1/10 Chapter 0; 1.1-1.3

1/15: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
1/17 1.4

1/22 1.5-1.6
1/24 Projects

1/29 2.1-2.2
1/31 2.3

2/5 2.4
2/7 Projects

2/12 Projects (select mini-project)
2/14 3.1-3.4

2/19: Presidents' Day Holiday
2/21 3.5-3.7

2/26 3.8-3.9
2/28 3.10-3.11

3/5 Projects
3/7 Midterm Exam

3/12-3/16: Spring Break
Finish How to Solve It. Propose topic.

3/19 4.1-4.5
3/21 4.6-4.8
3/23: last day to drop with W

3/26 4.9
3/28 4.10-4.11

4/2 4.12-4.13
4/4 Projects (select mini-project)

4/9 5.1-5.2
4/11 5.2

4/16 Projects
4/18 Projects

4/23 Projects
4/24 CINSAM Poster Session (drop-off and judging, 4-6pm)
4/25 CINSAM Poster Session

4/30 In-Class Project Presentations
5/7 Final Exam

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.