Day 12 in math modeling

  1. Homework:

  2. CINSAM poster contest ($500 prize!) - April 25th.

  3. Discuss problems with homework assignment #2

  4. Today: Eigenstuff!

    1. State Diagrams for Stage/Class models
      • State diagram for bank account
      • State diagram for bank account with investment
      • Exercise 1a, p. 135
        • Translation into equations
        • Translation into matrix equations
        • Iteration for initial vector (100,100,100). Is the ratio of adolescents to adults moving toward what you'd expect?
        • Haven't we already encountered these models? (Part I)

    2. Eigenvalue/Eigenvector pairs
    3. Eigenvectors as "fixed point" population distributions
    4. Complex eigenvalues

    5. Haven't we already encountered these models? (Part II)

    6. Example: finding an eigenvector, in the 3x3 case.

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