Day 19 in math modeling

  1. Homework:

  2. Chapter 4 - Empirical models (continued)

    1. Examples (continued):

      • Lynx data:

        • Long term trend: horizontal asymptote (perhaps zero!)
        • Decaying oscillations (some periodicity)
        • Book's modeling process:
          1. Capture decreasing trend with linear model (linear regression: y=mt+b)
          2. "Detrend" the data, creating new variable zi = yi - (mti+b)
          3. Guess period of oscillations of z
          4. Determine amplitude "envelope" of the damping (using linear regression on ln(abs(z)) for the peak data, to estimate exponential model f(t)=exp(Mt+B))
          5. Put it all together: estimate the model
            y(t)=a + b*t + c*f(t)sin(2 pi t / 10) + d*f(t)sin(2 pi t / 10)
          Violates horizontal asymptote assumption....


        • this model is linear in the parameters a, b, c, and d.
        • ultimate behavior of model: leads to negative numbers of lynx

      • Corn Storage example (more later: section 4.13). Correlation: -0.02

      • Bear data - intrinsically non-linearizable model: the logistic

          • long term trend: horizontal asymptote
          • concave down? Increasing with decreasing slope....
          • positive y-intercept
          • model: logistic
            y(t)=K/(1 + Cexp(-rt))

            y(t)=K/(1 + exp(-r(t-t0)))

        • "With nonlinear problems such as the logistic, choosing good [initial parameter] guesses is essential." (p. 183)

      • Jack's Project: a nonlinear regression problem

    2. Interpolation

      • Interpolating n+1 points with an nth degree polynomial - a bad idea? ("saturated model")

      • An easy example(?) from Mensa and my cereal box:

        4 6 4 8
        5 2 9 3
        1 2 3 1
        5 5 8 ?

        The text reads: "Following the same logic used for the first 3 triangles, fill in the missing number on the fourth triangle." (my emphasis)

        This illustrates the pervasiveness of "linear reasoning". Mathematicians can find infinitely many functions that will "fit" this data - exactly! (An exact fit to data is the very definition of interpolation.) "Mensa" has fixated on the linear solution, which is typical but unfortunate, especially for a society of "geniuses". How can we follow "the same logic" when an infinite number of logics give different answers?

        Now - for the $25,000 question, and a chance to get into Mensa - what is the Mensa answer?

      • Spline: a function built piecewise out of curve segments, with some smoothness condition

        • linear spline - use straight line segments (continuity)

        • quadratic spline - use parabolas (differentiable)

        • cubic spline - use cubics (twice differentiable)

      • Exercise #7, p. 226: How-to, why-to.

      • Interpolating noisy data
        • "[T]he human eye can be as good at curve fitting as any algorithm." p. 195.
        • That said, here's the human eye algorithm:
          • plot data carefully
          • draw (by hand) the perceived trend
          • pick reference points
          • interpolate reference points


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