Day 21 in math modeling

  1. Discuss graded homework (the project 3.2 was treated as simply another homework problem).

  2. Homework:

  3. Syllabus change proposal:

  4. Need 200-word abstracts of projects to Phil Schmidt, director of CINSAM by Friday, April 6th. You can fill out the on-line registration form.

  5. Chapter 4 - Empirical models (continued)

    1. Example: Russ's Project (test evaluations) - simple linear regression
      • Scatter plot and simple regression line (obvious linear correlation!):

      • Output:

        Linear Regression:        Estimate        SE              Prob
        Constant                 2.11374    (5.486696E-2)       0.00000
        Variable 0               0.524759   (1.309028E-2)       0.00000
        R Squared:               0.467971
        Sigma hat:               0.297018
        Number of cases:              1829
        Degrees of freedom:           1827
          Source      df             SS              MS             F ratio
         Regression   1          141.77142       141.77142      1607.0250    
         Residual     1827       161.17757       8.82197954E-2  Prob(f)=0.0000
         Lack of Fit  219        23.026099       .10514200      1.2237897    
         Pure Error   1608       138.15147       8.59150918E-2  Prob(f)=0.2688
      • Residuals: do they appear normal?

      • Additional "Russ plots"

    2. Multiple Regression

      We'll look over the example from the section, then try it with Russ's data.

      • The big picture: so-called step-wise regression: add variables/Subtract variables until the best model for fewest number of variables is found.
      • Use t-tests to get significance of individual predictors.
      • Unfortunately, the procedure is not transitive: even though predictor u may not be significant in model (u,v,w), it may be the best single regression variable!

    3. Curvilinear regression

      • Basis function are non-linear in x
      • but linear in parameters - that's what's important!
      • The usual regression diagnostics apply.

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