Day 4 in math modeling

  1. Assignment #4: Continue working on your Project 1.2 or 1.3, pp. 39-42 (we should have it completed by the end of next class); begin work on your choice of either Project 1.6 or 1.7, pp. 43-45.

    Note: next class, we'll be in the computer lab to start with, and work in there the entire time on these projects.

  2. Review discussion from last time (30 minutes), and look at exercises 3d and 4.

  3. Form groups of two to work on Projects 1.2 or 1.3

  4. Visit computer lab to explore the logistic equation with Mathematica workbooks (45 minutes). Here's my version of Day4.nb, if you want to try it out. For one thing, I've added the plots of the line y=x and f(x); for another, my plots aren't connected with line segments, but rather are shown as points. These are discrete problems, afterall!

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.