Modeling Quotes

Chinese Proverb
Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Credited to George Box
All models are wrong; some are useful.
J. David Logan (Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 107, #10, December 2000)
"[Mathematical modeling] is the process of taking a complex problem arising in empirics, inventing a simple set of equations that describe the phenomena, developing solution methodology, and then interpreting the solutions against the empirics. This last phase may force several modifications before a satisfactory model is found....

"The idea that models could be developed to understand aspects of kidney function, the behavior of economic markets, or even social structures, evolved into a common theme that formed the basis of general courses in modeling."

Glenn Ledder (quoted by J. David Logan, op. cit.)
Mathematical models are mathematical objects based on real phenomena and created in the hope that their behavior will emulate the real behavior on which they are based.

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