Exercise 37/40, p. 94/93

Prove or disprove: the sum of an integer and its cube is even.

  1. Decide whether it's true or not. You might want to sketch some ideas on some scratch paper (what a concept!).
  2. If false, give a counterexample;
  3. if true, map out a proof strategy. Pick out P and Q, and then choose from amongst your favorite proof strategies. In this case,

To illustrate the ideas of the section, we'll do the proof of this one in three different ways:

  1. directly,
  2. by contradiction, and
  3. contrapositively


This illustrates the use of cases in an argument. The cases must exhaust all possibilities!

Let x be an integer.

We consider tex2html_wrap_inline183 , and hope to show that it is even. Now we can factor, tex2html_wrap_inline185 , so we consider two cases:

In either event, tex2html_wrap_inline183 is even. Q.E.D.

You may object that we need to prove that the product of odd integers is odd. If so, then this is called a lemma (a theorem proven to help prove another theorem).

Lemma: the product of odd integers is odd.

Proof: given two odd integers, a and b. Then we can write a=2m+1 and b=2n+1, where m and n are integers. Consider the product: ab=(2m+1)(2n+1)=2(2mn+m+n)+1, which is odd as the sum of an even integer and one. Q.E.D.


Note that the contradiction occurs not in P or Q, but in a sub-wff. Any contradiction will do!

Let x be an integer, and assume that tex2html_wrap_inline183 is odd. A product ab is odd if and only if both a and b are odd. tex2html_wrap_inline185 , so x must be odd, and tex2html_wrap_inline197 must be odd. But tex2html_wrap_inline199 is odd, as a product of odd integers; hence tex2html_wrap_inline197 is even. But this is a contradiction. Therefore, tex2html_wrap_inline183 is not odd, but rather is even. Q.E.D.


Restated: ``If tex2html_wrap_inline183 is not even, then x is not an integer.''


Let tex2html_wrap_inline183 be not even, so that tex2html_wrap_inline261 is not even. If x is an integer, then so is tex2html_wrap_inline183 , and so it is either even or odd. Since we are assuming that tex2html_wrap_inline183 is not even, it must be odd. [Now goto the proof by contradiction, to show that tex2html_wrap_inline183 cannot be odd.] Since it cannot be even, by hypothesis, and cannot be odd, by contradiction, we conclude that x is not an integer. Q.E.D.

More elaborate proof


Table: Direct Proof, gory detail

Wed Sep 18 14:05:44 EDT 2002