Section 2.2: Induction


In this section we investigate a powerful form of proof called induction. This is useful for demonstrating that a property, call it P(n), holds for all integers n greater than or equal to 1.

Actually, the ``1'' above is not essential: any ``base integer'' will do (like 0, for example: it really only matters that there be a ``ground floor'', or ``anchor'').


Induction is a very beautiful and somewhat subtle method of proof: the idea is that we want to demonstrate a property associated with natural numbers (or a subset of the natural numbers). As a typical example, consider a theorem of the following type:

Prove that, for any natural number n, tex2html_wrap_inline168 (Gauss's theorem, stated when he was five or so).

An induction proof goes something like this:

Imagine dominoes falling. That's what it's like.

The most commonly used form of the principle of induction is expressed as follows:

First Principle of Mathematical Induction:


or, more succinctly,


where the domain of the interpretation is the natural numbers. This is just modus ponens applied over and over again!


Example: (practice 7, or ``Gauss's theorem'') Prove that, for any natural number n, tex2html_wrap_inline168 .

Example: Exercise 30/34: Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline188 for tex2html_wrap_inline190 .

A second (and seemingly more powerful) form of induction is given by the Second Principle of Mathematical Induction:


This principle is useful when we cannot deduce P(k+1) from P(k) (for k alone), but we can deduce P(k+1) from all preceeding integers, beginning at the base case.

Example: Exercise 60/64b, p. 110/109.

Each of these two principles is equivalent to the Principle of Well-Ordering, which states that every collection of positive integers that contains any members at all has a smallest member.

Example: Prove that the first principle of induction implies well-ordering (Exercise 68, p. 186 - not in Edition 5!).

A Final Example: The prisoner's last request (finite backwards induction!)

Fri Sep 20 10:37:03 EDT 2002