Section 1.3


We now add variables into the mix, and investigate wffs which describe properties of variables in given domains (testing their truth values, either for the specific domain in question, or in all domains).

Predicates and quantifiers

Example: Ex. 5(d)

Translation of English statements into predicate wffs

As noted before, this can be a very tricky business, but an important one. Again, the process is not unique: there may be several different ways to do the same job.

Example: Ex. 10(a-d)

Example: Ex. 13(b,d)


The truth value of a predicate wff depends on the interpretation, but there are some for which the wff is true independent of the interpretation. These are called valid predicate wffs.

Whereas we can check the ``validity'' of a propositional wff (just check the truth table to see if it's a tautology), there is no general check for the validity of a predicate wff. In spite of that, there are some valid predicate wffs, as demonstrated in the text:


Example: Ex. 15(b)

Tue Jan 15 19:22:03 EST 2002