Section 1.5: Logic Programming


In this program we see an application of logic in a language called ``Prolog'' (for PROgramming in LOGic). Of particular interest is the logic used by the language to prove theorems (i.e. answer queries).


Prolog (PROgramming in LOGic) is a declarative (rather than procedural) language, with its own inference rules which allow us to ask a database of facts interesting questions based on simple rules and input data.

While the book uses a PROLOG ``pseudo-code'', we will use a freely obtainable (GNU General Public License) version of prolog (SWI-Prolog) to get an idea of the flavor of the program. On our website is a demo file that I will use today in class.

Prolog database

This is composed of facts and ``rules'' (which are also facts!). In terms of predicate logic, one creates predicate wffs on the fly, and establishes which elements of the domain make them true. For example,


says that the predicate P(x) representing the predicate wff ``x is an animal'' is true for the constant ``bear''.

Facts can be binary, as well (and n-ary in general, of course):


asserts that the predicate wff Q(x,y) given by ``x eats y'' is satisfied by bears and foxes (to the chagrin of the foxes).

In addition, rules can be established to check whether logical connectives between facts are true. For example,

prey(x) if eat(y,x) and animal(x)

would tell us if an animal is eaten by something else. In fact, notice that it is expressed as an implication (begun by ``if''): translated in more standard predicate wff form, it might read


which Prolog treats as if it is universally quantified:


(i.e., the compilation of the rule means that it is true for all x and for all y). So, as promised, the Prolog ``rules'' are simply more complex predicate wffs, rather than inference rules which it might use to prove theorems.

Once the database is created (``compiled''), we can move on to the important issue of posing interesting questions to the database.

Prolog queries and ``proofs''

Our text lists ``is'' and ``which'' as examples of Prolog queries. The first tests an assertion, whereas the second asks for all instances which makes a statement true.

Example: Practice 27, p. 60

The reason that Prolog can prove theorems in this way is that the domain is finite: when you create the database, it is only possible to specify a finite collection of facts, which means that Prolog need only test a finite set of instances for truth.

Proofs are based on Horn clauses, which are simply implications expressed as disjunctions using the implication rule:


The right-hand side above is an example of a Horn clause: a wff composed of predicates or the negations of predicates joined by disjunctions, where at most one predicate is unnegated.

So all the facts, which were expressed either as existential instantiations or as implications with universal generalization, are expressible as Horn clauses. A general argument (turned into a Horn clause) looks like


The prey(x) rule from above,


is expressed as a Horn clause as


Prolog uses Horn clauses to prove arguments by resolution (which is essentially hypothetical syllogism): it matches an unnegated predicate with a negated predicate in another rule.

For example, consider our rule prey(x), and the request for those

which(x: prey(x))

How will Prolog operate? It seeks a rule with prey as an unnegated predicate (i.e. it is the consequent of an implication). It finds


Now Prolog then seeks unnegated E(y,x) or A(x) to collapse this argument using hypothetical syllogism. It finds, for example, that E(bear,fox). Using universal instantiation, Prolog reckons that


and combines the two to reduce the argument to


When Prolog encounters A(fox), it will resolve with that above to conclude


This is modus ponens: tex2html_wrap_inline187 resolves to Pr(fox).

Example: watch the software SWI-Prolog resolve issues associated with Example 37, p. 63.

Example: Practice 28, p. 64

Recursive rules

Some rules are recursive in nature: for example, in problem #13, p. 68, we're asked to consider a Prolog database for parts of an automobile engine. Parts have been classified into big and small, and a rule exists which determines ``part-of''. Now we're to write a rule for ``component-of''. Since a screw may be a part of a filter, which is a part of the fuel system, we need a rule which can dig down into the structure of the parts to discover the true ``component-ness'' of a part within a part.

Consider the rule defined as two rules, as follows:

component-of(x,y) if part-of(x,y)

component-of(x,y) if part-of(x,z) and component-of(z,y)

The first definition gives us a base case: if x is a part of y, then it is certainly a component of y. On the other hand, the second definition allows us to determine that, since screw is a part of filter, and filter is a part of the fuel system, and fuel system is part of the engine, hence screw is a component of the engine.

Example: watch SWI-Prolog resolve in-food-chain(bear,X) (Example 37, p. 65).

Example: Practice 29, p. 66

(Prolog uses a depth-first strategy for answering questions with recursion.)

Mon Jan 21 22:22:04 EST 2002