Section 2.5: Analysis of Algorithms


By analysis of algorithms we mean the study of the efficiency of the algorithms. In this section we will measure the efficiency of an algorithm by counting operations (and of course we are shooting for a small number!).

Counting operations directly

In algorithm SequentialSearch (p. 146), we search for element x in a list of n items. SequentialSearch is a direct method, by comparison with algorithm BinarySearch (p. 130), which is recursive. Is one algorithm more efficient than the other?

In the SequentialSearch, there are three rather interesting cases:

We will consider the worst-case scenario as the benchmark.

Counting Using Recurrence Relations

Algorithm BinarySearch is recursive: it calls itself. Starting from a list of length n it makes one comparison and then calls itself with a list of half its initial length. Hence the number of comparisons for the list of length n, C(n), would be


and C(1)=1. Use the ``expand, guess, and verify'' approach: in the worst-case scenario, the algorithm will find the element (or not) on its last check (when it's down to a list of length 1).


Obviously this is only going to work (in the sense that C(n/8), etc., make sense) if n is a power of 2. Assume that tex2html_wrap_inline207 , for integer m.

Consider a change of variable: in


we define tex2html_wrap_inline211 so that


Note that T(0)=C(1)=1. We can solve easily to get


Hence, tex2html_wrap_inline215 . This compares quite favorably with the worst-case estimate from SequentialSearch, which would be n (linear in n).

(For those of you who've forgotten, the tex2html_wrap_inline221 function grows much more slowly than a linear function.)

Let's look at the general recurrence relation of the ``divide and conquer'' variety: given


Assume tex2html_wrap_inline207 for some integer m. Then


Now we perform the change of variables: let tex2html_wrap_inline227 , so that


Using formula (8) of section 2.4, p. 134, we get


Then using the value of T(0), we get


Finally, substituting back in S and n, we get



The BinarySearch algorithm starts with a sorted list, which is not a requirement for the SequentialSearch algorithm; so the comparison isn't really fair. What if we add a sort?

Example: (Exercise 11, p. 154)

Example: (Exercise 12, p. 154)

Example: (Exercise 13, p. 154)

Example: (Exercise 14, p. 154)

So we can carry out the BinarySearch algorithm with tex2html_wrap_inline235 or tex2html_wrap_inline237 operations, compared with n operations for SequentialSearch - which wins in this case!

If we had started with a sorted list, however, it would make no sense to use SequentialSearch, since BinarySearch is so much more efficient.

Thu Feb 14 18:44:10 EST 2002