Section 5.1, part A: Graphs and their representations


In the first few pages of section 5.1 (through p. 341, Planer Graphs), we are introduced to definitions of graphs, various kinds of graphs, characteristic features of graphs, and even a few theorems about graphs.


A graph is defined loosely as a set of nodes, and a set of arcs which connect some of the nodes.

Question: how does this jive with our understanding of a graph from calculus? For example, the graph of tex2html_wrap_inline191 ?

More formally, we have the following

Definition: a graph is an ordered triple (N,A,g) where


x and y are the endpoints of the arc. g is a function tex2html_wrap_inline203 and tex2html_wrap_inline205 .

Question: how does this jive with our understanding of the graph of tex2html_wrap_inline191 ?

To do: Practice #1, p. 331.

Definition: a directed graph is an ordered triple (N,A,g) where


so g is a function tex2html_wrap_inline215 and tex2html_wrap_inline205 .

Question: how does this jive with our understanding of the graph of tex2html_wrap_inline191 ?

Examples of graphs in action (p. 333)

To do: Practice #2, p. 332.

Graph Terminology

To do: Create a graph on a 4x6 card. Some of you should make rather ordered graphs; others might think of very strange graphs.

Graph terminology handout

To do: Practice #3, p. 336.

Special Graphs

By tex2html_wrap_inline221 we will understand the simple, complete graph with n nodes.

To do: Practice #4, p. 336. Draw tex2html_wrap_inline225 .

A bipartite complete graph tex2html_wrap_inline227 is a graph of N nodes which break into two groups, tex2html_wrap_inline231 and tex2html_wrap_inline233 , of size m and n respecively, with the following property:

two nodes x and y are adjacent tex2html_wrap_inline243 tex2html_wrap_inline245 and tex2html_wrap_inline247 .

To do: Practice #5, p. 337. Draw tex2html_wrap_inline249 .

Isomorphic Graphs

The idea of isomorphism is that two structures can be ``morphed'' into each other (they are in some sense identical). Our objective, in general, is to figure out the ``morphism'' (isomorphism - same form!).

To do: Look at Figure 5.17, p. 339: can you morph the two graphs together?

Definition: Two graphs tex2html_wrap_inline251 and tex2html_wrap_inline253 are isomorphic if there are bijections (one-to-one and onto mappings) tex2html_wrap_inline255 and tex2html_wrap_inline257 such that for each arc tex2html_wrap_inline259 , tex2html_wrap_inline261 (replace braces by parentheses for a directed graph).

To do: Practice #7, p. 339. If you managed to morph the two graphs in Figure 5.17, then you should be able to ``see'' the rest of function tex2html_wrap_inline263 .

Theorem: Two simple graphs tex2html_wrap_inline251 and tex2html_wrap_inline253 are isomorphic if there is a bijection tex2html_wrap_inline269 such that for any nodes tex2html_wrap_inline271 and tex2html_wrap_inline273 of tex2html_wrap_inline231 , tex2html_wrap_inline271 and tex2html_wrap_inline273 are adjacent tex2html_wrap_inline243 tex2html_wrap_inline283 and tex2html_wrap_inline285 are adjacent.

To do: Practice #8, p. 340.

There are some tests for determining when two graphs are not isomorphic:

  1. The graphs don't have the same number of nodes.
  2. The graphs don't have the same number of arcs.
  3. One graph is connected and the other isn't.
  4. One graph has a node of degree k and the other doesn't.
  5. One graph has parallel arcs and the other doesn't.
  6. One graph has loops and the other doesn't.
  7. One graph has cycles and the other doesn't.
This list is not complete, however: sometimes things get trickier than this (as shown in Example 12).

To do: Practice #9, p. 340.

Thu Feb 21 18:26:37 EST 2002