Section 5.3: Decision Trees
Decision trees are defined, and some examples given.
Definition: a decision tree is a tree in which
internal nodes represent actions,
arcs represent outcomes of an action, and
leaves represent final outcomes.
Figure 5.50, p. 380: Results of tossing a coin 5 times (binary tree)
Figure 5.51, p. 381: Sequential Search on 5 elements (binary tree)
Figure 5.52, p. 382: Binary Search (ternary tree)
Figure 5.55, p. 387: Sorting a list (binary tree, provided distinct list elements)
Exercise #2, p. 388.
Exercise #4, p. 388.
In particular about binary trees:
Any binary tree of depth d has at most
nodes. (Proof: look at the
full binary tree, as it has the most nodes per depth.) -
Any binary tree with m nodes has depth
The proof of the latter is by contradiction and interesting (p. 384):
: then
. -
From fact 1,
By contradiction,
. These facts lead to the
Theorem (on the lower bound for searching):
Any algorithm that solves the search problem for an n-element list by
comparing the target element x to the list items must do at least
comparisons in the worst case.
If, in its worst case, an algorithm does at most this lower bound on worst case
behavior is an optimal algorithm in its worst-case behavior.
The Binary search algorithm required a sorted list; if your data is unsorted
(it may be changing dynamically in time, if you are updating a database of
customers, for example), you can populate a tree which
approximates a sorted list, and then use a modified search algorithm
(binary tree search) to search the list. A binary search tree is
constructed as follows:
The first item in the list is the root;
Successive items are inserted by comparing them to existing nodes, from the
root node: if less than a node, descend to the left child and iterate; if
greater than, descend to the right child.
If, in descending, there is no child, you create a new node.
Practice #25, p. 386.
The binary tree search algorithm works in the same way as you'd introduce a new
node, only the algorithm terminates if
the element is equal to a node, or
the element is unequal to a leaf of the binary search tree.
In this case the binary search tree serves as the decision tree for the binary
tree search algorithm.
Exercise #9, p. 389.
Examine Figure 5.55, p. 387. In this case, we're sorting a three-element list
using a decision tree. The author calls this a stupid algorithm (actually,
``not particularly astute''): why?
Practice #26, p. 387.
Assuming no equal elements in the list, then this is indeed a binary (rather
than ternary tree, with = included). In this case, we can also get a lower
bound on sorting a list with n elements:
There are n! possible sorted lists, and there are at least that many leaves
p (
). (In Figure 5.55, there are eight leaves, but only 6=3!
different sorted lists). -
A worst-case final outcome in the decision tree is given by the depth d of
the tree.
Since the tree is binary,
(the maximum number of leaves possible at
depth d). -
Taking logs (base 2), we get
, or
. -
This is the Theorem on the lower bound for sorting: that you have to go to at
least a depth of
in the worst case.
Thu Mar 7 19:35:38 EST 2002