Overview of Chapters 5, 6, and a smidgen of 7 (7.2)
Your test will resemble the problems from your homework assignments.
You will probably have 7 equally weighted questions or so (one every ten
minutes!), one of which will involve several true/false questions (like
the self-tests at the end of each chapter - answers are at the end of the
tree: an acyclic, connected graph with one node designated as the
root node (or defined recursively).
tree terminology
examples of trees
tree representations
tree traversal algorithms:
decision tree: a tree in which
internal nodes represent actions,
arcs represent outcomes of an action, and
leaves represent final outcomes.
Lower Bounds on Searching
Binary Search Tree (Binary Tree Search)
Theorem on the lower bound for sorting: you have to go to at
least a depth of
in the worst case.
Euler Path: a path in which each arc is used exactly once.
Theorem: in any graph, the number of odd nodes (nodes of odd degree) is
Theorem: an Euler path exists in a connected graph
there are
either two or zero odd nodes. -
Using the EulerPath algorithm (simply counts up elements in a row i of
the matrix (the degree of node i), and checks whether that's even or odd; if
in the end there are not zero or two even nodes, there's no Euler path!)
Hamiltonian Circuit: a cycle using every node of the graph.
Shortest Path algorithms (for a simple,
positively weighted, connected graph)
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Floyd's algorithm
Minimal Spanning Trees:
A spanning tree for a connected graph G is a non-rooted tree
containing the nodes of the graph and a subset of the arcs of G.
A minimal spanning tree is a spanning tree of least weight of a simple,
weighted, connected graph G.
Prim's algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm
Traversing a graph (generalizes tree traversal):
depth-first strategy
breadth-first strategy
Remember: for the test stick with the convention that, given a choice,
we should choose nodes in alphabetic order.
Remember that we are skipping section 7.1, at democratic request, and replacing
that with section 7.2. Hence you will be expected to know the properties of a
Boolean algebra, but will not be called upon to prove anything about Boolean
Equivalent representations of a Logic Network:
Truth Functions
Boolean Expressions
Logic Network
Converting between the three forms
Rudimentary simplification of Boolean expressions
Adding binary numbers (as Boolean expressions, half-adder, full-adder)
Tue Apr 9 18:56:23 EDT 2002