Overview of Chapters 5, 6, and a smidgen of 7 (7.2)


Your test will resemble the problems from your homework assignments. You will probably have 7 equally weighted questions or so (one every ten minutes!), one of which will involve several true/false questions (like the self-tests at the end of each chapter - answers are at the end of the book).

Section 5.1

Section 5.2

Section 5.3

Section 6.2

Section 6.3

Section 6.4

Traversing a graph (generalizes tree traversal):

Remember: for the test stick with the convention that, given a choice, we should choose nodes in alphabetic order.

Section 7.2: Logic Networks

Remember that we are skipping section 7.1, at democratic request, and replacing that with section 7.2. Hence you will be expected to know the properties of a Boolean algebra, but will not be called upon to prove anything about Boolean algebras.

Tue Apr 9 18:56:23 EDT 2002