Section 8.2: Finite-State Machines (through p. 563)


We model a machine as a set of states, inputs which lead to a change in state, a clock to synchronize the machine world, and outputs, which result from a particular state. We use tables and graphs to describe how the inputs relate to changes in state and the outputs of each state, then practice creating simple finite-state machines.

Finite-State Machines

Definition: A finite-state machine M is a structure tex2html_wrap_inline192 where

Table: Elements of a finite-state machine.

We assume discrete times, synchronized by a clock, so that


and that


We represent tex2html_wrap_inline208 and tex2html_wrap_inline210 by

Let's practice identifying these elements with the aid of Example 16, p. 559.

Table: Elements of finite-state machine of Example 16, p. 559.

Practice 36, p. 561. (First of all: what are tex2html_wrap_inline192 in the example?)

Practice 35, p. 561. (Table from graph)

Practice 34, p. 561.

Construction of a machine: the Binary Adder

Note: major goof - the fourth sum at the bottom of page 561 is wrong - yikes! We know that 0+1=1, while 1+1=10 in binary....

In section 7.2 we saw how one might create a logic network in hardware for the addition of binary numbers. We now consider how this can be incorporated into a finite-state machine which is analogous (p. 561).

We must specify the five elements of a finite-state machine: tex2html_wrap_inline192 . What is the set of states, what the set of inputs, what the set of outputs, and how are the functions tex2html_wrap_inline208 and tex2html_wrap_inline210 defined?

Practice 37, p. 562

Practice 38, p. 563

Exercise 13(a), p. 578

Tue Apr 16 01:36:59 EDT 2002