Overview of Chapters 7.1, 7.3 and 8.2


Since these sections are new, you will be expected to do some problems from these sections. You will also be expected to do some problems from previous material. Since you have two hours, I imagine that I might give you 11 problems, and allow you to skip one.

As I mentioned in class, there are some topics from earlier days which I would have liked to have tested you over, but which didn't make the first cut. I may go back to those topics. (For example, we didn't do an example of graph isomorphism on the test - I was itching to do one of those!). So you might be on the lookout for topics which didn't appear on the first or second tests, but which were emphasized in the problems and in class.

On the other hand, you can expect to see problems similar to those you encountered on the homework. No real ringers should be expected.

Section 7.1

Definition: a Boolean Algebra is a set B on which are defined two binary operations + and tex2html_wrap_inline172 , and one unary operation ', and in which there are two distinct elements 0 and 1 such that the following properties hold for all tex2html_wrap_inline176 :


The element x' is called the complement of x. The algebra may be denoted tex2html_wrap_inline182 .

For proofs, you will want to remember

Section 7.3

While section 7.3 included two methods of simplification, we only studies the Karnaugh map in depth. Hence, only it will be included on the test.

Remember how the Karnaugh map uses idempotence to produce multiple copies of elements for the matches (pairs, quads, etc.), which it then can simplify.

Remember that you may use the techniques of the Karnaugh map to produce different simplified Boolean expressions: make sure that you've made things as simple as possible, but not simpler! (You can always check your Boolean expressions to make sure that they are equal by using the original ``tuples'' in the simplified expressions, and you should get 1!

Section 8.2

Definition: A finite-state machine M is a structure tex2html_wrap_inline190 where

Table: Elements of a finite-state machine.

Construction of finite-state machines to perform tasks

Given a machine, determine whether a set is recognized by it or not. Or determine what set is recognized by it. Remember that machine recognition is defined as follows, with emphasis on the word ``ends'' below:

Definition: Finite-State Machine Recognition A finite-state machine M with input alphabet I recognizes a subset S of tex2html_wrap_inline212 (the set of finite-length strings over the input alphabet I) if M, beginning in state tex2html_wrap_inline218 and processing an input string tex2html_wrap_inline220 , ends in a final state (a state with output 1) if and only if tex2html_wrap_inline222 .

Regular expressions define sets of input strings which are the ones that finite-state machines can actually recognize. The existence of reasonable sets, which one should reasonably be able to detect (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline224 , where tex2html_wrap_inline226 stands for n copies of a), finite-state machines are obviously not sufficient to understand all of computation.

The essential failure is related to memory: the finite-state machine cannot do what the Turing machine does, which is reread input and overwrite it (unlimited memory)! These are the essential elements missing from the finite-state machine which reduce its utility.

Thu Apr 25 19:08:23 EDT 2002