Assignments, Mat115

Day Date Activity Assignment (due next class)
Mon8/25 Introductions, and overview of course content Special assignment due Wednesday: Read the chapter "Welcome" (pages ix-xii) and Section 1.1; start #1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 from Section 1.1. You may read Section 1.2 (hints), but do not read 1.3 (solutions)!
Wed8/27 Discuss 1.1 and problems. Do you have any additional hints for your colleagues? Finish 1.1 #1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8; also do #2, 6.
Fri8/29 Finish discussing section 1.1. Read section 1.4 and do #5, 7, 9, 14 for discussion.
Mon9/1 Labor Day no class
Wed9/3 Discuss 1.4. Read section 2.1 for discussion, and consider Mindscapes I.3, 10.
Fri9/5 Discuss 2.1. Section 2.1, II.4, 5.
Mon9/8 Finish discussing 2.1, carrying out IV.1. Read section 2.2 for discussion. Do I.1, 2, 10.
Wed9/10 Discuss 2.2 (Kevin assisting). Section 2.2 do II.4, 5.
Fri9/12 Continue to discuss 2.2. Section 2.2 do I.17, 19; III.1, 2.
Mon9/15 Play Fibonacci nim! (Brad assisting) Read section 2.3, do I.2, 7, 9, 10, 19; II.7.
Wed9/17 Discuss 2.3. In 2.3, II.10.
Fri9/19 Continue to discuss 2.3. Read section 2.6 and do I.1, 5; II.5.
Mon9/22 Discuss 2.6. Section 2.6, III.5;
Wed9/24 Continue to discuss 2.6. Read section 2.7 and do I.2, 5, 15, 18, 20.
Fri9/26 Discuss 2.7. Read section 3.1, and do II.1.
Mon9/29 Discuss 3.1. Read section 3.2, and do I.9, 11, 12, 13.
Wed10/1 Discuss 3.2. Section 3.2, II 7; III.1.
Fri10/3 Continue to discuss 3.2. Read section 3.3 and do I. 4, 6, 8, 9; II.1, 2, 4.
Mon10/6 Discuss 3.3. Read section 3.4 and do I.1, 8.
Wed10/8 Discuss 3.4; Read and study section 3.5 and do I.1, 4, 5; II.5.
Fri10/10 Discuss Section 3.5.
Mon10/13 Visit from Ed Have fun!
Wed10/15 Review for Midterm Study
Fri10/17 Midterm Relax
Mon10/20 Fall Break no class
Wed10/22 Project work day. Read and study section 4.1 and do I.3, 7, 10.
Fri10/24 Discuss 4.1. Read section 4.3 and do I.4, 7; II.1, 2, 5.
Mon10/27 Discuss 4.3 (Nell assisting). Read and study section 4.5 and do I.1, 2, 3; II.1, 2.
Wed10/29 Discuss 4.5.
Fri10/31 Continue to discuss 4.5. Read section 4.7 and do I.2, 7, 9; II.1, 3.
Mon11/3 Discuss 4.7 (Daniel assisting).
Wed11/5 Continue to discuss 4.7. Read section 5.1 and do I.1, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Fri11/7 Discuss 5.1. Read section 5.2 and do I.1, 3, 4, 13, 20; II.8.
Mon11/10 Discuss 5.2.
Wed11/12 Continue to discuss 5.2. Read section 5.3 and do I.2, 4, 8; II.1; III.5.
Fri11/14 Discuss 5.3. Read sections 6.1 and 6.2 and do in 6.2 I.3, 7, 8; II.2, 3.
Mon11/17 Discuss 6.2. Read section 6.3 and do I.1, 8, 9, 15, 16.
Wed11/19 Discuss 6.3. In 6.3 I.18, 19, 20; II.1, 2; III.5.
Fri11/21 Continue to discuss 6.3. Read sections 7.1 and 7.2 and do in 7.2 I.2, 3, 4, 7.
Mon11/24 Perform experiments from 7.1. Discuss 7.2. In 7.2 do I.13, 14, 15; II.3, 5.
Wed11/26 Thanksgiving Break no class
Fri11/28 Thanksgiving Break no class
Mon12/1 Continue to discuss 7.2. Read section 7.6 and do I.16, 17; II.2, 5, 10; III.1.
Wed12/3 Discuss section 7.6 (Lindsay assisting).
Fri12/5 Continue to discuss 7.6.
Mon12/8 Prepare for poster session.
Wed12/10 Poster Session Day
Fri12/12 Reflections
Mon12/15 Final Exam 10:10-12:10; then all done!

There will be four homework assignments turned in, each worth 5% of your grade.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.