Day 05: Heart of Mathematics
Our mission today:
- Don't forget about your project! Be thinking about it already...e.g.,
- Infinity:
- Approaching Infinity,
in this week's Science News (8/30/03)
- Don't forget about leading a discussion one day. Look for a section of
interest, and volunteer early!
- Due next Wednesday: Problem set #1
- Let's check out section 2.1, "Number Contemplation":
- Are all counting numbers (natural numbers) interesting?
- What is "the pidgeonhole principle"? What is it good for?
- I.3: Why did the king have him executed?
- I.10: For this game, how do we know that the numbers are always
- Why does nearly every person have many temporal twins on
earth; that is, people who were born on the same day and will die on the same
- What would an exception look like? Who would not have a temporal
- Who would have a lot of temporal twins?
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.