Day 11: mat385
Last time: messed around with section 2.5; started 3.1, just barely.
- Reminders:
- Test 1 coming up next week, Wednesday.
- We'll review next time.
- The test will cover through 2.5.
- Return Homework 2.4, #13 and 28
- #13
- This one was done a little differently from the way the
rest of the class did it (since we saw it done on the
board, we tended to have a uniform solution).
- #28
- In order to be a subsequence of the Fibonacci numbers,
every element of
A(n) would have to be a Fibonacci number.
- It is not necessary that they be consecutive, or even
orderly in their appearance.
- A(5)=33 (for example) is not Fibonacci.
- From last time:
- Hand in homework 2.5.
- Section 3.1: Sets
- Problems from section 3.1 homework:
- Suggestions?
- Homework for 3.1 is due by Friday of next week (i.e. you can do it
after our test).
- Section
5.1: Graphs and their representations
Next time: review for exam Wednesday