Last time: Worked on 5.1: Graphs and
their representations
- Sorry: still won't return homework 3.1 - Next Wednesday, tops!
- Test 1 key is on-line, minus a
few bits which I have still to complete.
- We'll finish 5.1 today; but that will put us a day behind. We have two
days of review built into the end, partly as a cushion for this eventuality. We
may have to steal one of them....
- Why graphs?!
- Section
5.1: Graphs and their representations
- Homework for 5.1 will be considered next time, and due on the Monday after
fall break. Note: we're doing a lot of it while looking over the
- Section
5.2: Trees and their representations
Next time: section 5.2: Trees and
their representations
- A friendly glossary of graph terminology
- NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) defines it as "A connected, undirected, acyclic graph". Our book does not require the "undirected" part, and many sources assume that a tree is directed! This does, unfortunately, add to the confusion.... An ordered tree is one where the children are numbered (there is a left to right), which is important for tree traversal.
- NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.