7.1 problems

#2. This student paid me a visit, and I suggested that, while I didn't need these proven in all generality, I would like to see them proven for at least one case of, say, a < b < c (we actually need to consider permutations of these, too).

This student got a "tilda" because this should be more general than indicated. The number "0" is not our only choice for the "0" of the (prospective) Boolean algebra. Hence we might say "Let m be the zero; consider x=m-1:

x+m = (m-1) + m = max(m-1,m) = m

which is not equal to x: so m is not behaving like "0".

By the way: one may not invoke duality for these problems, unless duality applies to the min/max: we don't have a Boolean algebra, as part b shows! Hence, duality is not to be assumed.


The subtlety that this student picked up on that many others forgot is that one must justify the step



which was demonstrated in Practice 4. It is not an axiom itself....

Part c. shows a problem several students had: you need to explicitly indicate that we're talking about "circle-+" in the first and second lines - a binary operation different from the "+" of the Boolean algebra.

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