Section Summary: 4.3

  1. Definitions

  2. Theorems

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    You'll notice that there are some nice tables which are created to show the sign of the derivative and hence indicate the direction (increasing/decreasing) of the function's graph; this is a graphing aid.

  4. Summary

    Knowledge of tex2html_wrap_inline161 and tex2html_wrap_inline213 inform us about critical aspects of f (increasing/decreasing, extrema, points of inflection, concavity).

Problems to consider: pp. 247-249, #8, 18, 21, 36, 46, 49; at seats/on the board: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 45.

Thu Feb 27 11:48:32 EST 2003