First of all: if you're uncertain about what I want on a given problem, come up and ask! Many students took advantage of this opportunity on test 1 - but others who should have didn't!
(the derivative does, in fact, exist at x=1, and is zero).
The trickiest part was the domain for g(f(x)), since the places where it is undefined are infinite (the places where the sine function is -1).
The odd extension of f is a little funky in the following, but otherwise well done. Nice discussion of continuity and differentiability.
The last line is "between (but not at) these points."
First of all, don't forget your units: some of you might have detected your mistakes, had you used them.
There are a variety of limit laws, and the order is not too important. Some folks used continuity, which was a nice idea, especially to handle the absolute value.
I cut off some of the top of this problem - the student worked it up the sideline, but didn't have much success (because s/he needed to consider the conjugate!). But the student figured out the slope via other means, and pushed ahead with the problem - good job! Don't let a little thing like a calculation stop you!
I like the way that s/he has summarized the relevant information for the graph of the tangent line.
Note: some students didn't even graph the function. For that, you could have used your calculator, and gotten a few easy points.