Confidence Intervals for the Mean ( tex2html_wrap_inline127 )

We assume that the standard deviation of the distribution is known, and compute a confidence interval using a point estimator for the mean tex2html_wrap_inline127 , such as tex2html_wrap_inline131 as follows:

  1. Determine the significance level tex2html_wrap_inline133 desired (this is the probability of missing the parameter value!). The confidence level is defined as tex2html_wrap_inline135 .
  2. Find tex2html_wrap_inline137 : the position along the standard normal such that tex2html_wrap_inline139 of the total area is found to the right of tex2html_wrap_inline137 .
  3. Create the confidence limits, left and right:


Note: The larger the sample size, the tighter the limits (the smaller the confidence interval).

We make use of this principle if we seek to find a confidence interval of fixed size. For example, suppose that you want to find a confidence interval of at most size 1 ounce about the quantity of beer in a cup. You may believe that the 18 ounce beer that's promised is actually no more than 17 ounces (and more than likely 16 ounces). So you seek to demonstrate this fact with a significance level of tex2html_wrap_inline133 . We can solve to make the bounds around tex2html_wrap_inline131 ,


equal W in size (in the beer example we'd set W to 1). To do this, solve


for n, from which we get


This tells us how to select our sample size so as to guarantee a given sized confidence interval.

Thu Feb 20 01:37:32 EST 2003