Assignments, Mat115

Day Date Assignment (and due date)
Monday 8/23
  • (For Wednesday) Read the chapter "Welcome" (pages ix-xii) and Section 1.1; start stories #1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 from Section 1.1.
    You may read Section 1.2 (hints), but do not read 1.3 (solutions)!

  • (For Friday, 9/3) Have a look at the book, and choose THREE sections or topics (other than chapter 1) that you would like to cover. Write a paragraph explaining what interest you about each section. I'll collect these on Friday, and create a schedule from your selections. You may also include topics which are NOT in the book, but which interest you!
Wednesday 8/25 (for Friday): finish 1.1 #1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8; also do #2, 6.
Friday 8/27 (for Monday) Read section 1.4 and do #2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14 for discussion. This assignment will be handed in: write up solutions for each (or at least progress, if you can't solve them!). What did you try? What worked? Etc. Be verbose! This will be handed in on Wednesday, 9/8.
Monday 8/30 (for Wednesday) Read section 2.1 for discussion, and consider Mindscapes I.3 and 10, and II.4 and 5. (These problems will be handed in Friday, 9/10).
Wednesday 9/1 Continue working on your selection of your 3 favorite sections (with reasons, due Friday), as well as the write-ups for your other problem sets.
Friday 9/3 (For Wednesday) Read Section 2.2, and begin considering I.17, 19; II.4, 5; III.1, 2. Bring a pine cone (or somesuch) to class! The problems will be due Friday, 9/17.
Monday 9/13 Section 2.3: pp. 78-82, Mindscapes I, #1 and 9; II, #3; III, #3. Due 9/22.
Wednesday 9/15 Section 2.4: pp. 90-95, Mindscapes I, #2, 11, 14; II, #7; III, #3. Due 9/22 (yes, the same date as the preceding one!).
Monday 9/20 Section 2.5: pp. 109-111, Mindscapes I, #6, 8; II, #1; IV, #4. Due 9/29.
Wednesday 9/22 Section 2.6: pp. 120-123, Mindscapes I, #1, 19; II, #1; Section 2.7: pp. 134-137, Mindscapes I, #4, 5, 15, 18, 20. Due 9/29.
Monday 9/27 Section 3.1: Problems I.3, 4, 5, 9; II.3; III.1 (Due 10/6) Hand in a revised abstract, typed. (Due 10/1)
Wednesday 9/29 Section 3.2: Problems, p. 158, I.1, 4; II.3; III.3. (Due 10/6)
Monday 10/4 Section 3.3: Problems, p. 158, I.3 and 5; II.1 and 5. (Due 10/13)
Wednesday 10/4 Section 3.4: Problems, p. 187, I.1, 3, and 9; II.1; and III.1. (Due 10/13)
Monday 10/11 Section 4.3: Problems, p. 245, I.2 and .3; III.1 and .2. (Due 10/25)
Wednesday 10/13 Section 4.5: Problems, p. 284, I.6; II.2, 3, and 4; III.2. (Due 10/25)
Friday 10/15 Section 4.7: Problems, p. 320, I.1-4, 7; II.2. (Due 10/25)
Friday 10/22 Section 5.1: Problems I.1, 18; II.3, 7; III.1 (due 11/1)
Monday 10/25 Section 5.2: Problems I.1, 3, 4, 20; II.8 (due 11/1)
Friday 10/29 Section 5.3: Problems I.2, 8, 18; II.1 (plus draw the projection of the icosohedron onto your page, as a planar graph) (due 11/8).
Monday 11/1 Section 5.4: Problems I.6, 13; II.3, 8; III.1 (due 11/8)
Friday 11/5 Section 5.5: Problems I) 1,5; II) 1, 5 (due 11/15)
Monday 11/8 Section 6.1: Problems I) 1,2; section 6.2: Problems I) 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 (due 11/15)
Friday 11/12 Section 6.3: p. 448, I) 2, 7, 13, 16; II) 6 (due 11/22)
Monday 11/15 Section 6.5: 6.5: I) 1, 6, 10, 17 (do it just 20 times); II) 3 (due 11/22)
Friday 11/19 Section 7.1: I) 1, 4, 9, 10 (due 12/6)
Monday 11/22 Section 7.2: I) 2, 5, 20; II) 10 (due 12/6)
Monday 11/29 Section 7.3: I) 1, 13, 20; II) 7,8 (due 12/6)

Each homework assignment will be turned in, and a problem or two (chosen randomly) will be graded.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.