Peer Grading Rubric: MAT115, Fall 2004

You should rank order the members of the class (including yourself!) in terms of their contributions in the following categories, from best to worst. In addition, please include comments in the spaces provided.

The members of class to order are given at right. You may use their associated letters to order them.

  1. Danny
  2. Zach
  3. Joe
  4. Christy
  5. ChrisB
  6. Kellie G.
  7. Alisha
  8. Michelle
  9. RP
  10. Kelly C.
  11. Dane

  In-class Presentation: each student presented in class three times over the course of the semester; how did they do?

  Discussion contributions: each student responded to questions, asked questions, went to the board, etc. in class. How did they do?

  Overall Contribution to the class: rate the individuals in class on general positive contribution to the class.