Presentation Grading Rubric: MAT115, Fall 2004

Name of presenter(s): Your Name: Please assign a numerical grade as follows:
  • 2 - great
  • 1 - okay
  • 0 - needs work
In addition, please include comments in the spaces provided. These will be passed on to the student(s) to help them prepare for their poster, so be constructive.

  Presentation Organization
  • Presentation objective is clear.
  • Presentation is well-crafted.
  • Presentation shows real effort.

  • Presentation summarizes well.
  • Presentation provides pertinent information.
  • I learned interesting things relevant to the topic and objective.

  • Project includes "interesting" mathematics.
  • Appropriate use of mathematical tools from class or outside.

  Presenter Style
  • spoke clearly
  • showed enthusiasm
  • solicited and fielded questions
  • used appropriate language and body language