Plan for Mat115, Fall 2004

Mon 8/23 Welcome and Introductions
Wed 8/25 1.1: Fun and Games
Fri 8/27 1.1-3: More Fun and Games
Mon 8/30 1.4: New Fun and Games
Wed 9/1 2.1: Number Contemplation
Fri 9/3 2.1: Further Number Contemplation
Mon 9/6: Labor Day No class
Wed 9/8 2.2: Fibonnaci Numbers
Fri 9/10 2.2: Fibonnaci Nim (Phil)
Mon 9/13 2.3: Prime Cuts of Numbers (Alisha, Danny)
Wed 9/15 2.4: Crazy Clocks and Checking Out Bars (Christy, Michelle)
Fri 9/17 Problems Pause
Mon 9/20 2.5: Secret Codes and How to Become a Spy (KellyC, KellieG)
Wed 9/22 2.6/7: The Irrational and the Real (Andy)
Fri 9/24 Problems Pause
Mon 9/27 3.1: Beyond Numbers (ChrisB, Alisha)
Wed 9/29 3.2: Comparing the Infinite (Zach, RP)
Fri 10/1 Problems Pause
Mon 10/4 3.3: The Missing Member (Danny, Jeff)
Wed 10/6 3.4: Travels Toward the Stratosphere of Infinities (Dane, Christy)
Fri 10/8 Problems Pause
Mon 10/11 4.3: The Sexiest Rectangle (Phil, KellyC)
Wed 10/13 4.5: The Platonic Solids Turn Amorous (Joe, Dane)
Fri 10/15 4.7: The Fourth Dimension (ChrisB, KellieG)
Mon 10/18: Fall Break No class
Wed 10/20 Problems Pause
Fri 10/22 5.1: Rubber Sheet Geometry (Alisha, ChrisS)
Mon 10/25 5.2: The Band That Wouldn't Stop Playing (Phil, ChrisS)
Wed 10/27 Problems Pause
Fri 10/29 5.3: Feeling Edgy? (Danny, RP - oops!)
Mon 11/1 5.4: Knots and Links (Michelle, Joe)
Wed 11/3 Problems Pause
Fri 11/5 5.5: Fixed Points, Hot Loops, and Rainy Days (KellyC, Zach)
Mon 11/8 6.1/6.2: The Dynamics of Change (RP and Danny)
Wed 11/10 Problems Pause
Fri 11/12 6.3: The Infinitely Detailed Beauty of Fractals (ChrisB, ChrisS)
Mon 11/15 6.5: Predetermined Chaos (KellieG, Christy)
Wed 11/17 Problems Pause
Fri 11/19 7.1: Chance Surprises (RP)
Mon 11/22 7.2: Predicting the Future in an Uncertain World (Michelle, Zach)
Wed 11/24: Thanksgiving Break No class
Fri 11/26: Thanksgiving Break No class
Mon 11/29 7.3: Random Thoughts (Joe, Dane)
Wed 12/1 Problems Pause
Fri 12/3 Project Presentations
Mon 12/6 Project Presentations
Wed 12/8 Project Presentations/Evaluations
Fri 12/10 Poster Session
Mon 12/13 Final: 10:10-12:10

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.