Plan, Mat 225, Fall 2004

Day Date Activity
Mon 8/23 Welcome: Intro
Wed 8/25 1.1: Systems of Linear Equations
Fri 8/27 1.2: Row Reduction and Echelon Forms
Mon 8/30 1.3: Vector Equations
Wed 9/1 Problems
Fri 9/3 1.4: The matrix equations Ax=b
Mon 9/6 No class (Labor Day)
Wed 9/8 1.5: Solution Sets of Linear Systems
Fri 9/10 1.7: Linear Independence
Mon 9/13 Problems
Wed 9/15 1.8: Linear Transformations
Fri 9/17 2.1: Matrix Operations
Mon 9/20 2.2: Inverse of a Matrix
Wed 9/22 Problems
Fri 9/24 2.3: Characterizations of Invertible Matrices
Mon 9/27 2.4/2.5: Matrix Factorizations
Wed 9/29 Elements of Chapter 3 (the determinant)
Fri 10/1 Problems
Mon 10/4 Test 1 (through chapter 2)
Wed 10/6 4.1: Vector Spaces and Subspaces
Fri 10/8 4.2: Null Spaces, Column Spaces, and Linear Transformations
Mon 10/11 4.3: Linearly Independent Sets; Bases
Wed 10/13 Problems
Fri 10/15 4.4: Coordinate Systems (Project 1 due)
Mon 10/18 No class (Fall Break)
Wed 10/20 4.5: Dimension of a Vector Space
Fri 10/22 4.6: Rank
Mon 10/25 Problems
Wed 10/27 5.1: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
Fri 10/29 5.2: The Characteristic Equations
Mon 11/1 5.3: Diagonalization
Wed 11/3 Problems
Fri 11/5 5.4: Eigenvectors and Linear Transformations
(Replaced by an application)
Mon 11/8 6.1: Inner Product, Length, and Orthogonality
Wed 11/10 6.2: Orthogonal Sets
Fri 11/12 Problems
Mon 11/15 Test 2 (through chapter 5)
Wed 11/17 6.3: Orthogonal Projections
Fri 11/19 6.5: Least-Squares Problems
Mon 11/22 7.1: Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices (Project 2 due)
Wed 11/24 No class (Thanksgiving Break)
Fri 11/26 No class (Thanksgiving Break)
Mon 11/29 Problems
Wed 12/1 7.2: Quadratic Forms
Fri 12/3 7.3: Constrained Optimization
Mon 12/6 7.4/7.5: the Singular Value Decomposition
Wed 12/8 Problems
Fri 12/10 Review/Evaluations
Fri 12/17 Final, 10:10-12:10

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.