MAT 225: Fall 2004


INSTRUCTOR: Andy Long. Office: ST 328; phone: 572-5794.

MEETING TIME: 12:00-12:50 MWF, ST 254.

EXPECTED BACKGROUND: C or better in MAT 220 or MAT 221. If you have doubts or concerns about your background, please see me as soon as possible.

TEXT: Linear Algebra and its Applications, third edition, by David C. Lay. Topics include vectors, matrix arithmetic, vector spaces, linear transformations, and applications, making use of the TI-92 or TI-89 calculators (you should arrange to have one of these) as well as additional software (MATLAB).

There will be two tests and a final over the course of the term. Each homework assignment will be handed in, and two homework problems will be graded (selected at random). Please do the reading! Your course grade will be determined as follows:
Homework: 15%
Projects: 20%
Two Tests: 40%
Final: 25%
The tests will be given in class, closed book. Make-up exams will not usually be given. If I excuse a student from an exam (for some extreme reason), the student's course grade will be calculated based on the rest of the semester's work.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned often. Usually class will consist of a brief review of previous material, a discussion of new material, followed by a discussion of previous assignments, with students answering their peers' questions AMAP (As Much As Possible). Expect to do a lot of homework, and to do it regularly, in order to do well in the course. You should also prepare to help in class by going to the board and presenting answers to other students' questions.

PROJECTS: The projects will involve more in-depth work with MATLAB, which is available from the computer lab in ST359.

ATTENDANCE: The student is responsible for all material assigned or discussed in class. Attendance will be taken, and may be used along with class effort (as measured by participation - asking questions, answering other students' questions, group work, etc.) to resolve borderline grades.

WITHDRAWAL: The last day to withdraw from any class is October 30, 2004. After that day it is not usually permitted.

OFFICE HOURS: MWF 10:00-10:50 and 1:00-2:00; TR 12-1. I am also available by appointment, and at random when approached with a smile.
