- Last time: Moebius bands
- Today:
- What did you think of the gallery in section 6.1? Mathematics or
- What are dynamic models?
- What is the essential buzzword of section 6.2?
- How many people will be on the earth in 2100?
- Why are simple rules that result in complex phenomena important?
- Some people doubt evolution, because they doubt that
simple rules can result in the complexity we see around
- If scientists can demonstrate that complex phenomena can
arise from simple phenomena, then that argument holds
less water.
- The game of life: played on an infinite checkerboard. The
rules are:
- A living square will remain alive in the next generation
if exactly two or three of the adjoining eight squares
are alive in this generation; otherwise, it will die.
- A dead square will come to life if exactly three of its
adjoining eight squares are alive; otherwise, it will
remain dead.
- the
website's version
- I.12
- Create your own creatures!
- Can you think of one that will lead to extinction?
- Can you think of one that will lead to a stable pattern?
- Next time: Section 6.5: Predetermined chaos
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.