This student deduced everything possible: a values zero, b values zero; c0=c1; d0=-d1. The derivative must be zero at zero, to preserve symmetry (hence the condition on the b's).
Furthermore, whatever is deduced here must be in agreement with what you find for natural and clamped splines: these constraints are more general than any specific spline.
The tough part was the Taylor polynomial: you need to show more than the leading order error, since we want to use this formula in the Richardson's extrapolation to follow. And your analysis should make some reference to the forward difference scheme you use. If it's independent of scheme, then you're undoubtably in trouble....
This student makes reference to the orders in the error expansion when choosing coefficients for the extrapolation (the fours and the eights in the extrapolation terms). Without the form, these values are only right if you get lucky!
Using two-point forward difference, it's possible to get to O(h5).
The error term is a variant of the Taylor formula, as I mentioned: it should have a fourth derivative, if it's multiplying a quartic (and it does!).